The Dothraki learning project was originally started by a member of the Na'vi learners community, and I kind of stumbled into it oe day. In the list of the first 100 words or so that were posed was a word hrakkar for 'white lion'. Since I am a total lion nut, I thought that was cool, and that this might also be afun language to learn. So, i stared (slowly at first) learning about the language, and watching its inital development. As I learned more and more about how Dothraki worked, I realized that in many ways, it was the exact opposite of Na'vi. So, I put mor emphasis in learning it. Up to this point, I knew nothing about the story behind the language, so I obtained and read 'Game of Thrones'. So, now, I was a student of the language and an ASOIAF fan! Last summer, I met David Peterson and ended up spending several days with him and the colanging community at the WorldCon Science Fiction convention (which happened to be in my home town of Reno, Nevada last year). So in a lot of ways, the whole introduction and assimilation of this language, and the culture that spawned it, happened backwards for me. The whole experience has been worthwhile, as Dothraki has an interesting, and somewhat challenging grammar. It has helped me understand language better in general.