It's bizarre that for the past year now I've always thought this to be true.
The worst of the salt being rubbed in my wounds is that this now clears up a lot of inconsistencies in my previous work. Especially when it comes to plurals and diminutives:
My arakh
arakhi anni
arakh anni
My arakhs
arakhi anni
arakh anni
My little arakh
arakhisi anni
arakhi anni
My little arakhs
arakhisi anni
arakhi anni
My father's arakh
arakhi avesisi anni
arakh avesi anni
My fathers' little arakhs
arakhisi avesisisi anni
arakhi avesisi anni
Under my fathers' little arakhs
torga arakhisisi avesisisi anni
torga arakhisi avesisi anni
Needless to say, I am a tad bit embarrassed by my glaring mistakes with the language. The worst of it being the translations I've done for youtube videos, and the dedication I translated for Helen Keen's new book, The Science of Game of Thrones (check it out it an awesome book). Thankfully, the professional book dedication did not contain any genitives and looking back on it, it appears to be completely fine grammar wise. I will, however, be contacting the youtubers I worked with and hopefully be able to get them to reupload the videos with a much improved grammar.