Beginners / I need an explanation
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:25:54 am »
If you build the accusative of an inanimate noun, which ends on consonant + consonant + vowel, you short it to just the first consonant.
But for the word "alegra" that would mean you short it to "aleg"; but words can't end on "g" so you add an "e", which means it would become "alege". The tutorial, that I've watched (sunquan's tutorial), said it would be "alegre".
Can someone explain to me, where that "r" is coming from? I don't get that.
But for the word "alegra" that would mean you short it to "aleg"; but words can't end on "g" so you add an "e", which means it would become "alege". The tutorial, that I've watched (sunquan's tutorial), said it would be "alegre".
Can someone explain to me, where that "r" is coming from? I don't get that.