Thank you very much Ingsve! I've never been very good with grammar (I can understand the rules individually, their usefulness and all, but putting it all together in my brain... gah! I'm the type of person you can drop in a foreign country and expect to pick back up later and I'd be able to speak the language without knowing too much of the grammar. That's how I learned Italian. I also learned English trough immersion, away from home where we speak French) and really do appreciate the clarifications you provided.
My guess would be:
Vekhat che vos vekhat... which would roughly translate as:
"to exist or to not exist..." or "to be present or to not be present"
As for general rules to express "to be":
First of all when you place two words next to each other like "man warrior" it translates as "The man is a warror". Think of it roughly as "Me Tarzan, you Jane". Then there are verbs that express the meaning of being in the verb itself. Nrojat means "to be thick", nemat means "to be empty", diwelat means "to be small" etc.
I was looking at the verb "to be present" and wondered if it could be used in that context. Man I love learning new languages. Just for gaining a new perspective on things and people and really make you think about what you're trying to say and the right way to say it.