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Beginners / Basic sentence question
« Last post by artemis1935 on December 10, 2017, 10:01:46 am »
So if I were to say "I am being dumb" in dothraki how would I do that?
Announcements / Re: Can anyone translate?
« Last post by Reuben22 on December 08, 2017, 03:31:00 pm »
According to Google translate it said stuff about proxy servers and had a link to buy something. Might be spam.
Announcements / Can anyone translate?
« Last post by Hrakkar on December 07, 2017, 02:27:11 pm »
Can anyone here translate the previous topic, which appears to be in Russian?

Kirimvose/Athchomar san yeraan
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Litany against fear translated in many different ways
« Last post by Hrakkar on October 16, 2017, 11:05:35 am »

Why is the "I will face my fears" line missing?
Dothraki Language Updates / Litany against fear translated in many different ways
« Last post by Khal_Qana on October 16, 2017, 03:20:47 am »
I love me some Dune, and thought it would be fun to translate the Litany Against Fear into Dothraki, and into as many scripts that I've transliterated as I could. Enjoy!

Original English:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death at the end of the universe that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fears.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Modified English:

I must not fear.
Fear kills minds.
Fear is death, and lives toward the end of everything.
It will pass over me and through me.
When it has passed, I will watch it ride.
Where the Fear has existed, there will be nothing. Only me.


Anha’th vo rokhok.
Athrokhar drozha yothnhar.
Athrokhar athdrivara, ma thira athnakhozaraan.
Me adina oleth anni ma vi anhaan.
Hash me ray din, hash anha atihak mae adothrae.
Rekke athrokhari vekh, me zin vo vekho. Anni vekhak disse.


I must not fear.
Fear kills minds.
Fear is death, and lives at the end.
It will pass over me and through me.
When it has passed, then I will watch it ride.
Where it existed, it will no longer exist. Only I exist.


Анха’ц во рохъок.
Ацрохъап дрожа йоцнхар.
Ацпохъар ацдривара, ма цира ацнахъозараан.
Ме адина олец анни ма ви анхаан.
Хаш ме рай дин, хаш анха атихак мае адоцрае.
Рекке ацрохъари вехъ, ме зин во вехъо. Анни вехъак диссе.


אנהא'ת בו רוחוכ.
אתרוחאר דרוזיא יותנהאר.
אתרוחאר אתדריבארא, מא תירא אתנאחוזאראאן.
מאֶ אדינא ולאֶת אנני מא בי אנהאאן.
האש מאֶ ראי דין, האש אנהא אטיהאך מאאֶ אדותראאֶ.
ראֶככאֶ אתרוחארי באֶח, מאֶ זין בו באֶחו. אנני באֶחאך דיססאֶ.


anHatlh vo roH’oq.
atlhroH’ar Drogh’a yotlhnHar.
atlhroH’ar atlhDrIvara, ma tlhIra atlhnaH’ogharaan.
me adIna oletlh annI ma vI anHaan.
HaS’ me ray DIn, HaS’ anHa atIHaq mae aDotlhrae.
reqqe atlhroH’arI veH’, me zIn vo veH’o. annI veH’aq DISSe.



انحا'ث ﭪو روخوك.
اثروخار دروژا يوثنحار.
اثروخار اثدريﭪارا، ما ثيرا اثناخوزارآن.
مة ادينا ولةث انّي ما ﭪي انحآن.
حاش مة راي دين، حاش انحا اثيحاك ماة ادوثراي.
رةكّة اثروخاري ﭪةخ، مة زين ﭪو ﭪةخو.
انّي ﭪةخاك ديسّة.

Beginners / How do we say "miss you"?
« Last post by khensu on October 09, 2017, 02:52:02 pm »
Rytsas! I started to learn valyrian a few weeks ago and i would like to know how do we say "miss you". I'm looking for it for sometime and i cant find a answer nowhere :c
Beginners / How can I add myself to the registry?
« Last post by ladystarkgaryen on October 06, 2017, 06:00:06 pm »
Rytzas. I just created this account today with the hopes that I could login to the wiki page and add myself to the registry as a novice learner. Did I miss a step or is there something else I need to do?

Beginners / Re: High Valyrian is now on Duolingo!
« Last post by sbibeau on September 25, 2017, 09:28:57 am »
Kirimvose Choyosor. I would love to see High Valyrian become as popular and well developed as Na'vi; those folks have a very active community. Unfortunately I am such a newbie with High Valyrian I may not be helpful. Let me think about it though. There may be a way I could use the materials from DuoLingo and Memrise and gather something useful.

Geros Ilas!
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Michael Jackson's Thriller - Dothraki Translation
« Last post by Khal_Qana on September 22, 2017, 11:42:00 am »
Akh! With so much homework to do, I don't know if I'll be able to look over the whole thing. but from what I saw it looks pretty good!

San athdavrazari yeraan, zhey Reuben! Anha azhak yeraan A+ ajjin!
Beginners / Re: High Valyrian is now on Duolingo!
« Last post by Khal_Qana on September 22, 2017, 11:38:08 am »
Rystas, sbibeau!  It's good to finally see a Valyrian speaker on this forum. I don't know of any High Valyrian practices places since I am wholly focused on Dothraki, but I think it would be a great idea if you set up such a place on these forums! I've seen more people asking for Valyrian translations here since the duolingo release, and it would be nice to see someone as enthusiastic as you being able to help them out.

Geros Ilas! (I hope that makes sense)
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