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Announcements / Re: https enabled on Dothraki
« Last post by Hrakkar on February 18, 2018, 01:21:47 am »
Good to see you in here, zhey Ochristi. It's been a long time!
Announcements / Re: https enabled on Dothraki
« Last post by ochristi on February 15, 2018, 02:16:56 am »
Bravo! And as always, if you experience any issues, let us know. ;)
Announcements / https enabled on Dothraki
« Last post by Titstewan on February 15, 2018, 02:13:21 am »
Greetings everybody!  :)

To keep the data more secure, for example logging in, all Dothraki websites are available with https now.

Also, an image proxy is active on the forum to prevent mixed-content issue in various browsers. :)
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki News and Updates
« Last post by Khal_Qana on January 24, 2018, 02:53:08 pm »
Stories from oral tradition make great translation projects if you're looking for something good.  They generally use words that aren't modern or highly specific to the region of the world they come from, allow for you to really stretch your language knowledge/ability, and already has a bunch of prestige behind it (being an ancient story and all). You could use a story from your tribe if you also want something personable to you.

If you're interested in African stories I suggest The Epic of Sundiata.  It's pretty short as epics go, but I just find the messages and morals inside it incredibly profound.  Here's my favorite quote from the epic as a little teaser:

I teach kings the history of their ancestors, for the world is old, but the future often springs from the past
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki News and Updates
« Last post by Reuben22 on January 16, 2018, 02:44:11 pm »
Great news! I'm also going to re-commit to checking out this forum and commenting and posting more.

I know some folks have taken on long form translations of other works (books, the Bible, etc.). I'm making it my New Year's resolution to do the same, except I'll steer clear of "the canon" in academic and do something more millennial and fun. I welcome any suggestions!
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Survey
« Last post by Reuben22 on January 16, 2018, 02:16:31 pm »
1.   What is your age? 34
2.   What is your gender? male
3.   What is your educational level? Masters degree in Fine Arts (Creative Writing)
4.   What is your nationality? I'm multi-ethnic (Black, Indigenous American, and others)
5.   Have you ever studied linguistics or related subjects? Yes, part of my major in undergrad was Linguistics
6.   Do you consider yourself a Game of Thrones/ASOIAF fan? Yes
7.   How long have you been learning Dothraki? over 2 years now
8.   What would you consider your proficiency level to be? Proficient in reading and hearing, getting better at speaking.
9.   What methods have you used for learning Dothraki? Memrise e-courses, independent study, translating
10.   Why do you study Dothraki? All sorts of reasons! Mostly I find it fun. I work in a demanding field and it's important to carve out time for hobbies. In undergrad, one group assignment I had was to create a language in small teams and attempt to get fluent in it. This was one of my favorite class projects and I still remember some of the ritual prayers and chants we made up.
On a more personal level, I identified with the Dothraki people on the show but not their portrayal. I saw them, like all Indigenous peoples, as being represented through a colonial lens, and not in their own words. When the language was released I was excited to learn about them through their own (albeit fictional) tongue.
Also, as someone who grew up with Indigenous roots but for complicated family/historical reasons, doesn't have official tribal affiliations, I've always wanted to get more in touch with Indigenous languages but at the same time didn't want to culturally appropriate them. With Dothraki, there's no fear of cultural appropriation, for me at least.
11.   Do you feel that there is a Dothraki culture and if so, are you a part of it? Please explain. Yes, I do. We have some community here on this message board. But also, learning Dothraki on my own, affords me to build out some of my own culture too. There's also a Dothraki Altas that Choyosor and I are working on.
12.   What would you describe as the most important aspects of the development of the Dothraki language? I'm excited for how speakers are changing/adding/mutating the language. David Peterson is still the foremost expert, but with time I hope we as a community can significantly build on to it.
13.   In which way do you think Dothraki has been influenced/changed by the fact that the language now is used for human communication? Recently, some one, I think Choyosor posted the root words all at once and i think this is super helpful in the creation of new words and manipulation of current words.
14.   Do you think that any Dothraki speakers or the related Web sites have influenced David Peterson in coining new words or developing new grammar? Please give examples. I don't actually follow David Peterson that closely. But I did create my own words for cell phones, tv, computers and screen technology.
15.   Do you think the Dothraki language, as known today, has all the vocabulary and all the grammar that is necessary for extensive human communication in all fields of life? Please give examples. I do because although there aren't words for automobiles/air planes etc. We can create our own based on our understanding of how the Dothraki people would create words for those objects.
16.   Do you think Dothraki will need more speakers to survive as a language? Probably
17.   How do you think Dothraki can attract more speakers? I think this will be super local. I teach my friends and family words here and there and find ways to bring the language into my daily life. Eventually, those around will pick up more and it'll expand.
18.   How do you think Dothraki will develop in the future? I get excited about using Dothraki in activist circles as a language of "the resistance" but it's been slow going.
19.   Do you have any other comments on the development of the Dothraki language? Not right now but I'll PM you.
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: New words created for Amikumu
« Last post by Hrakkar on January 11, 2018, 02:51:13 pm »
I wonder if we should consider setting up a wiki dictionary for these new words, of course pointing out they are fan created and definitely not canon.

David Peterson is also very busy with a family and several other projects, I'm sure. I bet David would like to see what you have done as well.
Dothraki Language Updates / Re: New words created for Amikumu
« Last post by Khal_Qana on January 10, 2018, 10:55:46 am »

Amikumu Dothraki will be launched for Android phones sometime this week! The app will include a glossary of the 150 or so new words I constructed for the modern terms of our world, just so you don't get confused by words not found anywhere else (also so that you don't have to dig through this forum to find the definition and can just stay on the app).

I'll admit that my translations may not be 100% perfect, but it is still perfectly legible to any competent Dothraki speaker.  I said originally that I plan to edit everything and check my grammar over in the next month or so, but I think I'm going to push it back until the summer. I'm doing this because I didn't realize that they were ready to get it uploaded right away for one, and second I have school to focus on for the next couple months. This is good, though, because now this means my time opened up to work on my other passion projects for Dothraki, like the Atlas and dictionary updates.  Hopefully Reuben22 will be available to work too and we can make some serious progress on the project.

Here's a link to download the app:


Dothraki Language Updates / Re: New words created for Amikumu
« Last post by Khal_Qana on January 09, 2018, 02:34:02 am »

More words!

Jonat vint — To shut, close
Jonolat v — To become shut, to become enclosed
Ajjonat vtr — To shut something
Ajjonolat vtr — To make something become shut, to make something become closed
Kemilat v — to include
k'Athkemizari adv — "Includingly"
Kidilat v — To measure (loan word from High Valyrian)
Athkidizar n — measurement
Kiddiya  — Calculation, computation, logical reasoning
Vikidirat v — To calculate, compute
Kidigache n — dimension
Ethkis v aux — must try to. (used in the context "Shafka'thkis feni save"/"You have to try again")
Lirilekh ni — Letter/number/symbol/glyph/graph; "little language picture"
Acchale adv — At least one, greater than or equal to one (at+che+ale = one or more) "Choose at least one sword"/"Okki arakh acchale"
Yanqak na — Participant
Athhajmenar n — strengthlessness
Athhajar n — strength, status

And that concludes the first round of translation/editing for the Amikumu app!  So far, we have a decently translated language app (certainly not close to perfect though) with a whole bunch of new terms that can only be found on this thread in the forum. My plan is to further edit the translations until they're perfect, make a glossary for the app with all the terms made for Amikumu on it, and then get involved in the advertisement of the launch.  I'll keep you guys updated on what happens!
General Discussion / Song tidbit I composed in Dothraki
« Last post by Khal_Qana on January 08, 2018, 04:56:53 pm »
M'ath eyak!

I made a little 20 second diddy of a song written in the style I think the Dothraki would most likely develop in their culture.  It's heavily based in Mongolian Tuvan music, made with Eastern instruments and throat singing (something I spent an afternoon learning how to do so I could record this song), but has influences from Africa and the Steppe as a whole.

The lyrics so far go "Anha vo dothrok ma janoon che oqeti akka", which means "I do not ride with dogs nor next to sheep" and is supposed to be a song sung at night after a successful battle; something to flaunt the fact that you were victorious, but not something to rile you up and get you pumped.

I hope you enjoy!

This is an edit from hours later. I elaborated on the song some more and have a rough cut of what it's going to sound like
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