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Messages - Havazhyol

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:56:29 am »
M'athchomaroon, Marde.

Je suis aussi un franchouillard (cocorico !) tentant d'apprendre et d'utiliser le Dothraki dans les situations de tous les jours. (ça calme bien l'ambiance dans les réunions houleuses ^^)

Bienvenue dans la communauté. Pour ma part ça va faire 2 mois que je me suis lancé dans cette aventure.
Tu verras que cette langue construite est assez bien avancée, même si beaucuoup reste à faire. Mais avec l'équipe de ce forum et David Peterson, elle finira aussi évolué que le Klingon et moins nébuleuse que les langues de Tolkien.
Les gens d'ici sont très ouvert et prêt à t'aider dans tes traductions.

Si tu veux un conseil du débutant que je suis, je te conseil les tutoriels de Sunquan8094
(ya un lien ici  )

Amuse toi bien et

Dothras chek, okeo!

Introductions / Re: Greetings, everyone!
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:52:13 am »

General Discussion / Re: Help for translation
« on: October 16, 2012, 06:49:35 am »
So the sentence would ride the following ways :

Anha ovvethak [shafkaan] dalen zoqwe thashi [shafkaan], Zhey Khaleesi anni  (zoqwa ni)


Anha ovvethak [shafkaan] dalen zoqwaes thashi [shafkaan], Zhey Khaleesi anni  (zoqwa na)

M'kay, one more thing to ask the Khal vezhven...

Thank you Qvaak

General Discussion / Re: Help for translation
« on: October 16, 2012, 04:26:21 am »
Thank you for all your answers.

I now have another question for translation, it is kind of a signature :

I send/throw you a thousand soft kisses, my queen.  -->  Anha ovvethak shafka dalen zoqwa tashi, Khaleesi anni.

Is this correct?

General Discussion / Re: Help for translation
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:14:23 am »
Awesome, many thanks to you. This will greatfully help in my learning process.

Edit : for the verb "to close" , is there a negative derivation that should be used, as vos, which should lead to vos azzhonathat (+ negative declination, of course)
or should a more specific word be used (and so, asked to Khal David?)

One more thing : the verb "To care" should be used as "to matter for"? ex : "I don't care about this"  = "I don't matter about this" ?

Edit 2 : Than i'll patiently wait for it.

General Discussion / Re: Help for translation
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:58:21 pm »
Wow that's what i call a reaction for a topic! (never thought i would lauch such a debate  ;D ) Thanks a lot guys and/or gals!

Now, for practicing the Dothraki I intend to translate texts or songs, but some of the words i have to translate are absents from the dictionnary whether not used by the Dothrakis in ASOIAF, and/or not created by David Peterson yet.

Here are some lacks i found, and tried to fill up :

- to care (for), to matter, to have interest in (someone or something)   ;  i thought to use the sentence "what I want/hope for" (fin zalak).
- to trust (someone or something)   ;  i thought the word "friend, trustee" (okeo) could be a good basis, if turned it to a verb (okeat / okelat...) or something this way.
- to open  ; same as "to trust" I thought the word opening, vulnerability, opportunity (ovrakh) and turning it to a verb.
- to close ; didn't found a way to deal with it.
- truth ; same process as the verb.
- all, every ; didn't found a way to deal with it.
- else  ;  i thought using "other" (eshna).
- forever  ; i went with  "for always" (ha ayyey).

If you have any comment and/or correction, be my guest.

Damn this language is fun  :P

Beginners / Opinions about YouTube tutorial
« on: September 30, 2012, 05:15:52 am »
M'athchomaroon !

I'm starting to complete my learning process using the following tutorial.
But a commentary planted the seeds of doubt in the fields of my mind about the contents (declination of Vrelat : "-at" verb or "-lat" verb?)

May some wise and kind person tell me if those are correct to be used?

Dothraki Tutorial Lesson 0.5 - Epenthesis   (and all the dothraki tutos made by sunquan8094 )


General Discussion / Re: Help for translation
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:43:38 am »
Thank you, Admiral. (It's a twap!!!) I think 'ill go with the compounded word.

General Discussion / Help for translation
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:38:48 am »

I'm willing to learn and speak Dorthaki (much more classy when yelling at someone then Sindarin ^^ )

I sought for a topic of this kind and did'nt find it, so I launch this one.

I try to define a translation for "unicorn".
Since Dothraki would give a description of this beast, i went along with " Hrazef ma at chiva " which liiteraly means "horse with one horn", i used "one", for I couldn't find a translation for "unique".

Many thanks to those who will help and sorry if this topic is a double.

Fonas chek, Dothraki vezhven!

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