Author Topic: Hiragana Dothraki  (Read 12294 times)

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Hiragana Dothraki
« on: April 22, 2016, 04:11:31 pm »
I continue my quest to find a writing system that would best fit the language of the feared horsemen of essos. So far, Cyrillic has appeared to be the best system, and Devanagari being the least (not to insult those who speak Hindi. It's not you, it's me). Today, I look at hiragana.

あ - A    い - I    え - E    お - O
か - Ka  き - Ki   け - Ke  こ - Ko  っ - geminate
さ - Sa  し - Si   せ - Se  そ - So  ん - N
た - Ta  ち - Ti   て - Te  と - To    。 - pause symbol
な - Na  に - Ni   ね - Ne  の - No   、 - hardening symbol
は - Ha  ひ - Hi   へ - He  ほ - Ho
ま - Ma  み - Mi  め - Me  も - Mo
や - Ya  り - Ri   れ - Re  よ - Yo
ら - Ra  ぎ - Gi  げ - Ge  ろ - Ro
わ - Wa じ - Zi   ぜ - Ze  を - Wo
が - Ga  ぢ - Di   で - De  ご - Go
ざ - Za  び - Vi  べ - Ve   ぞ - Zo
だ - Da  ぴ - Fi  ぺ - Fe   ど - Do
ば - Va  ゐ - Wi ゑ - We  ぼ - Vo
ぱ - Fa  す - Yi  ゆ - Ye   ぽ - Fo

Notes on modification:    *Oh boy is there a lot to fix. I may or may not have thought this through totally  ;D*

-first off, I standarized all the hiragana outliers in all the constonants for I symbols. No Shi's or Chi's or Zhi's sticking out where they're not supposed to.

-second, I changed the period into a general pause sign (essentially a period and a comma rolled into one) and the comma into a hardening sign (same as cyrillic)

-third, I got rid of all the U syllables and added the old-hiragana We and Wi symbols for consistency.

-fourth, I changed all B syllables into V-type syllables and P syllables into F-type syllables in order to match up with dothraki

-fifth, I took the hiragana SU and YU and made them the YI and YE symbols for consistency.

How I use the 'hardening' symbol:

This takes a symbol and modifies it into another sound, much like how the does this already in hiragana.
Here are all the other sounds that the hardening symbol makes in order to get the entire phonology of dothraki:

か (Ka)-becomes- か、(Cha)
さ (Sa)-becomes- さ、(Sha)
た (Ta)-becomes- た、(Tha)
は (Ha)-becomes- は、(Kha)
ら (Ra)-becomes- ら、(La)
ざ (Za)-becomes- ざ、(Zha)
が (Ga)-becomes- が、(Ja)

and so forth with the other syllables.

The geminate and the stand alone N

the geminate mark will not function the way it's supposed to. Normally, It extends the constonant sound in a symbol like so:
かっ - Kka
However, I will use it to indicate that the constonant is standing independent from a vowel, like so:
かっ - K

the stand alone N is exactly what it sounds like. it's an N sound that is not attatched to any vowel.

Example sentences:

M'athchomaroon. Hash yer dothrae chek, okeosi anni?
まっあた、っこ、まろおん。はさっ ゆれっ どと、っらえ け、かっ。おけおし あんに?

Anha tih krazaajaan, m'anha tih maf.
あんは ちひっ かっらざあが、あん。ま あんは ちひっ まぱっ

Disclaimer: a lot of what I have done has heavily modified hiragana to favor dothraki. Anyone who can read regular hiragana would not know what you are talking about.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 12:13:25 pm by Choyosor »
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