Author Topic: I need a french or english Dothraki teacher/correspondent  (Read 12270 times)

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I need a french or english Dothraki teacher/correspondent
« on: July 15, 2015, 02:16:14 am »
M'athchomaroon !

Je recherche une personne parlant anglais/français pour m'enseigner et parler avec moi en Dothraki régulièrement afin d'améliorer mon niveau. Il est assez difficile pour moi de traduire les règles grammaticales écrites en anglais, et il sera plus facile d'apprendre en pratiquant.

J'arrive à faire des phrases simples et j'apprends actuellement du vocabulaire via la Memrise course "Dothraki Words". Il me manque surtout des précisions claires sur la structure des phrases, la déclinaison, l'utilisation des auxiliaires... Ce genre de chose.

Si vous êtes intéressé, merci de me contacter par MP ou Skype (alizia.kaline). Fonas chek !


M'athchomaroon !

I'm looking for a english/french speaker to teach me and speak with me in Dothraki regularly. I want to improve my level. Translate English Documentation on Dothraki grammar is so difficult for me. It's more easy to learn with practice.

I make some simple sentences and I'm learning vocabulary with Memrise course "Dothraki Words". I'm missing transparent details of sentence structure, noun cases, auxiliary verb...

If you are interested, please contact me on MP or Skype (alizia.kaline). Fonas chek !
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 07:46:12 am by Alizia »


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Re: I need a french or english Dothraki teacher/correspondent
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 07:47:15 am »
Nobody  :'(?


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Re: I need a french or english Dothraki teacher/correspondent
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2015, 06:44:54 am »
Well, I keep telling newcomers how few people there are with sustained study-level interest in the language; how even among the ezoki there is probably no person on Earth that can really real-time speak Dothraki, not even the creator DJP himself; how limited our resources are, since the language isn't fully public and how the resources we have make for a messy patchwork; how folk usually underestimate enormity of a task to learn a natural-like language; and how because of all of the above, it's probably easier to learn basic conversation-level Swedish than learn basic conversation-level Dothraki ... but honestly, I think it would be more fun to encourage than to discourage.

Havazhyol is fairly active and French, so it might be a good idea to PM him. There isn't much going on nowadays, so it might take some time (easily weeks if he does not have a notification for personal messages) before he shows up, but I think he's the most promising person to connect with.

I'd offer English teaching/correspondence help, but I feel for most questions you can just use this forum. We have a beginners section where Dothraki language related questions are answered (most likely by me), and writing attempts are very welcome.

A certain other newcomer, Nizzy01 was trying to start a conversation thread a little while ago ( It is kinda recent, and while it's getting cold, it does not really take more than one person to kick some life to it (though two would be better, because it'll get a bit dull if I'm the only person you're talking to). That might be the closest option for learning by speaking regulary.

Welcome. Hopefully you'll stay.
Game of Thrones is not The Song of Ice and Fire, sweetling. You'll learn that one day to your sorrow.


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Re: I need a french or english Dothraki teacher/correspondent
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2015, 01:28:25 am »
Hello Qvaak !

Thanks a lot ! I will contact Havazhyol soon.

I can try to steak on the topic, but I think I will need some corrections ^^