Learn Dothraki > Dothraki Language Updates
New words created for Amikumu
Amikumu Dothraki will be launched for Android phones sometime this week! The app will include a glossary of the 150 or so new words I constructed for the modern terms of our world, just so you don't get confused by words not found anywhere else (also so that you don't have to dig through this forum to find the definition and can just stay on the app).
I'll admit that my translations may not be 100% perfect, but it is still perfectly legible to any competent Dothraki speaker. I said originally that I plan to edit everything and check my grammar over in the next month or so, but I think I'm going to push it back until the summer. I'm doing this because I didn't realize that they were ready to get it uploaded right away for one, and second I have school to focus on for the next couple months. This is good, though, because now this means my time opened up to work on my other passion projects for Dothraki, like the Atlas and dictionary updates. Hopefully Reuben22 will be available to work too and we can make some serious progress on the project.
Here's a link to download the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amikumu.amikumu&hl=en
I wonder if we should consider setting up a wiki dictionary for these new words, of course pointing out they are fan created and definitely not canon.
David Peterson is also very busy with a family and several other projects, I'm sure. I bet David would like to see what you have done as well.
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