Learn Valyrian > Beginners
Place to Hear the Words?
Hello all!
I'm wondering if there is a place where I can hear some keywords read aloud. I'm hoping to do a blog post for my site and would love to link to/post a few words in Dothraki and Valyrian for my readers. However since the language is quite different, I thought it would be easier if I also posted an audio clip of the word(s). Anyone know of a place this exists?
Please and thanks! Will credit whoever can help!
Short answer: no, I don't think we have the kind of resource you want.
Generally Peterson's Dothraki blog is the best place for digging audio samples, try searching by tags. DJP has read some Dothraki for various purposes, much much much less Valyrian. Some of his readings are even single word audio clips. Sir_Darcy has extracted some more into a readymade one word clips for a memrise course. But yeah, very little Valyrian (which I'm guessing was the main goal as the post is in Valyrian subsection), and Dothraki is not in any comprehensive package.
Mad Latinist:
As Qvaak says, there is not a lot out there. There are some good recordings of David J. Peterson speaking High Valyrian at http://jeffrubinjeffrubinshow.com/episode/88-game-of-thrones-cookbook-languages/, but the two full sentences he gives are silly fan requests that he translated on the fly, and has repeatedly said should not be considered canonical. They're still useful in terms of his pronunciation though.
You can also get him saying a couple words and short phrases (for both Dothraki and High Valyrian) at http://www.whosay.com/explore/tags/stormofwords and http://www.whosay.com/explore/tags/conlangfc.
As far as High Valyrian is concerned... I find that the way Mr. Peterson pronounces the "rising diphthongs" is very difficult to emulate, and I doubt a recording of anyone else, myself included, will get that right. That is why those recordings of DJP himself are so important.
However if you're not that picky, there's also some recordings at http://jdm314.livejournal.com/199528.html of two of my friends reciting a poem I wrote in High Valyrian. It's poetry (so it won't sound quite like the spoken language), and actually neither of the two readers has studied High Valyrian (they just happen to be really good at pronouncing unfamiliar texts), so take those with a grain of salt.
Mad Latinist:
Oh, and how could I forget Sunquan's tutorial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vboATQWC3MQ. His pronunciation is not perfect, but it is a great place to start!
Mad Latinist:
.... and what do you know? This just came out! https://makinggameofthrones.com/production-diary/2014/5/8/high-valyrian-101-learn-and-pronounce-common-phrases
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