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Verbs and Crows
Hi guys,
I'm new here and in the language, I was just reading and studying it has we do in my mother language, Conjugating verbs first an all...so, I got this stucked in two verbs: Dekuragon and Dekurubagon.
See if the conjugations for the aorist are ok:
Dekuragon ( to step) Dekurubagon (To walk)
Dekurin Dekurussin
Dekuria Dekurussia
Dekuris Dekurussis
Dekuri (can't do the funny i) Dekurussiat (funny "i" again)
Dekuriat Dekurussi
In another topic, I would like to know if the noun I came up for Crow "Zobriehontes" (with funny "o"), wich is my nickname here, is acceptable.
Hello. Getting responses to Valyrian posts is a bit slow, as our most notable Valyrian expert(s) seem to be reading this forum sparingly. I'll see to it that someone awakes, if they won't do so by themselves soon :P
As for macrons, ie. dashes above vowels, I usually just cut-n-paste them, since typing them is a bit of a pain. If for some reason I need to write more than a couple, I have an Auto Hotkey script that lets me type them windows_key+character. That's just because I had Auto Hotkey on the computer and already knew how to use it, though. I hear there are many other programs and some operating system tricks to make them easily available. You could also just write two normal vowels istead, like dekurii instead of dekurī. Macrons are elegant and all, but they just mean long vowels. Many languages do long vowels with just doubling and since Valyrian does not usually allow syllabe brakes between two identical vowels, there's no real threat of misunderstanding.
Mad Latinist:
--- Quote from: Zobriehontes on April 20, 2014, 03:33:00 pm ---Hi guys,
I'm new here and in the language, I was just reading and studying it has we do in my mother language, Conjugating verbs first an all...so, I got this stucked in two verbs: Dekuragon and Dekurubagon.
See if the conjugations for the aorist are ok:
Dekuragon ( to step) Dekurubagon (To walk)
Dekurin Dekurussin
Dekuria Dekurussia
Dekuris Dekurussis
Dekuri (can't do the funny i) Dekurussiat (funny "i" again)
Dekuriat Dekurussi
--- End quote ---
On the one hand you're wrong. On the other hand, it's my fault: when I did the entry for dekurūbagon I accidentaly wrote that it was V-fin, which is what's confusing you. I apologize: there are a lot of mistakes of this sort on the wiki, because I'm just about the only person working on the Valyrian stuff, and no one proofreads me :-[.
That said, I see two mistakes that are yours:
* You reversed the "we" and "you (pl) forms for dekurūbagon (for that matter, you also left off the "they" forms entirely)
* Even if deurūbagon were in fact V-fin (which it's not, contrary to my mistake), the aorist would then be *dekurūbassinSo:
Dekuragon (to step) Dekurūbagon (To walk)
Dekurin Dekurūbin
Dekuria Dekurūbia
Dekuris Dekurūbis
Dekurī Dekurūbī
Dekuriat Dekurūbiat
Dekurisi Dekurūbisi
As far as the "funny 'i'"s are concerned, I confess that we're not 100% certain that the i is long in that form, it's kind of a guess.
--- Quote from: Zobriehontes on April 20, 2014, 03:33:00 pm ---In another topic, I would like to know if the noun I came up for Crow "Zobriehontes" (with funny "o"), wich is my nickname here, is acceptable.
--- End quote ---
Well, apparently HV doesn't form many compound words of this sort, so you're probably better off saing Zōbrie Hontes "Black Bird." Other than that, I don't see why not. Though I imagine that sooner or later DJP will tell us the officia HV word for "crow."
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