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Topics - Jenny

Pages: [1]
Beginners / Sentences
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:58:48 am »
Now with the summer holidays, I've got enough time to focus completely on Dothraki.
So today I made some example sentences, and tried to translate them, and I'd really appreciate if someone took a look and corrected me  :)

  • I kill the man.
    Anha addrivak mahrazhes.
  • I am eating.
    Anha adakhat.
  • You introduced me.
    Yer asshi anna.
  • My head hurts.
    Nhare anni annitiha.
  • The dragon is eating them.
    Zhavvorsa adakha mora.
  • Why did you kill him?
    Kirekhdirgi yer addriv mae?
  • She is a great rider.
    Me sajak vezhveni.
  • Your horse stinks like a dirty pig.
    Hrazef yeri achra ven qifo sorfi.
  • Bring me my wife's horse!
    Fichi hrazef chiorikemi anni anhasaan!
  • Three children died last night.
    Sen yalli drivi jalan oskikhi.
  • We will attack at dawn.
    Kisha alajaki vi aenaan. (Kinda..  ::))

Dothraki Language Updates / Things learnt from Twitter
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:51:04 am »
@LearnDothraki New Dothraki word inspired by @charliesheen :
shinat (v.) to burn out, to fizzle out. #dothraki #winning

Introductions / Hi!
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:11:37 am »
I'm Jenny, 17, lives in Sweden.
Always loved languages but didn't discover conlangs until I found Na'vi and fell in love with it.
And now I'm here, exited for a new challenge  ;D

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