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Beginners / Re: A couple phrases I translated to Dothraki; did I do them right?
« Last post by Khal_Qana on March 11, 2018, 11:31:48 am »
Your first sentence is perfect just as it is. No need for the feminine suffix in this case.

For the second sentence, all that needs to change is the adverb placement. Generally, the adverb goes after the verb.

Chiori ma hrazef, dothrae akkate
Beginners / A couple phrases I translated to Dothraki; did I do them right?
« Last post by KingAlanI on March 04, 2018, 10:12:23 pm »
Chiorikem Jack koalakhtihan – Jack’s wife is an eye healer
[The Tom Clancy character Cathy Ryan, an eye surgeon and the wife of Jack Sr., came to mind for using koalaktihan in a sentence. –eesi would make the word even longer, and would it go after koalak or tihan? Chiorikem (literally ‘woman spouse’) makes that superfluous here]

Chiori ma hrazef, akkate dothrae – a woman and horse, both of them you ride
[It’s a line from Lynyrd Skynyrd’s On The Hunt, an attitude that seemed very Dothraki. Should there be words for ‘a’ and ‘you’ and what are they? The horse specific ‘to ride’ fits the theme.]
I was just thinking that translating directly between Dothraki and a non-English language would be more efficient than going through English first. However, English is the only regular language I can speak, so I can help with this.
Announcements / Re: Thank you!
« Last post by Titstewan on February 24, 2018, 01:01:46 am »
I just delete their account rather than banning them. The problem with banning is, one could ban an IP that could be used by non-spam users. E.g. a user could use NAT where one IP is used by multiple users.

EDIT: Apparently, the additional question in the registration process works.
Announcements / Re: Thank you!
« Last post by Hrakkar on February 23, 2018, 01:52:57 pm »
Looks like its working already.
For spammers who get through, it is better to ban them or delete their account?

Athchomar san yeraan, zhey Tìtstewan ma Ocristi!
Announcements / Re: Thank you!
« Last post by ochristi on February 23, 2018, 12:00:10 pm »
Yea I had to nuke some, too.
Announcements / Re: Thank you!
« Last post by Titstewan on February 23, 2018, 04:45:31 am »
I've just removed some russian spam messages and deleted some spam accounts.

There is a high frequency of spam posting... I've have added an additional question for the registration process and it requires two correct answers now.
Announcements / Thank you!
« Last post by Hrakkar on February 22, 2018, 01:54:16 am »
Thank you, everyone who has marked spam posts as spam. That cleans up the board for everyone and also makes my job easier :)
Announcements / Re: https enabled on Dothraki
« Last post by Hrakkar on February 22, 2018, 01:46:42 am »
Because of my schedule, my presence on Discord is spotty. But thanks for thinking of me :)
Announcements / Re: https enabled on Dothraki
« Last post by ochristi on February 21, 2018, 03:06:51 pm »
Good to see you in here, zhey Ochristi. It's been a long time!
Heyy, was busy. :) Inteded to tell you in person in Discord, but have not seen you for few days. ;)
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