Introductions / Re: Rytsas!
« on: September 11, 2014, 01:02:21 pm »
Zhey Valar Morghulis, thanks for visiting the Dothraki/Valyrian community! Sorry it took so long to stop by and say 'M'ath'. August was a really messed-up month for me.
By now, you probably realize this is a pretty slow forum. Most of the activity is happening in the wiki area right now, especially for the Valyrian languages.
In any case, there's a good group of folks at work here, but most of them are hiding in the woodwork. If you ask an interesting question, especially on Dothraki, you are sure to get a response.
By now, you probably realize this is a pretty slow forum. Most of the activity is happening in the wiki area right now, especially for the Valyrian languages.
In any case, there's a good group of folks at work here, but most of them are hiding in the woodwork. If you ask an interesting question, especially on Dothraki, you are sure to get a response.