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Messages - Hrakkar

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Introductions / Re: M'athchomaroon!
« on: April 21, 2015, 01:50:01 pm »
I don't think we ever got a Teamspeak server going here, like what exists on the LearnNavi side of this system. If we did, it was so long ago that I can't remember it. Teamspeak allows voice chats via the internet.  However, this is something that could be arranged, and I don't believe it costs anything.

Very good on having both the book and the app. I found that it takes using more than one of the three available tools together to do a good job of learning. One advantage you also have is the speaker of much of this material was either David Peterson or someone directly coached by him. If you learn from these materials, you are learning to speak Dothraki the correct way!

Introductions / Re: M'athchomaroon!
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:21:37 pm »
M'ath, zhey Veryofi! Welcome to the learn Dothraki and Valyrian forums. Sorry, its a little quiet here these days. At the moment, I am being overwhelmed by stuff going on in my personal life, and have not been able to spend much time here.

There are a couple other users who check the forum from time to time, notably Qvaak. He is exceptionally good with the language. I'll answer questions as well, but not as accurately as he can. Like you, my grammar can be a little rough.

But one thing you will find here is the most up-to-date information on the language. Even though it has not been updated recently, the wiki and dictionary are pretty much accurate. There are a few words from David's book that haven't been added yet, as well as a few minor corrections. But nothing earthshaking. And I am hoping for a little free time later this spring to finally get these added (I have been working practically every weekend since the book was published.). There will likely be some new vocabulary as season five of GoT gets underway. Make sure you check out David Peterson's blog at

The grammar sections should be correct, as far as we know.

How did you go about learning Dothraki?

Beginners / Re: Help with English to Dothraki translation
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:21:24 pm »
This would be a good one for Qvaak. For sure 'Civil' and 'distinction' are two concepts that would have to be worked around.

And sorry for it being so quiet here. I, for one would be more active here. But since about the time of the debut of David's book, I have been swamped with contract engineering work That ties me up on weekends, when I would normally work on things Na'vi and Dothraki. As a result, projects for both languages have suffered. That work is slowly winding down, so by early summer, I should be more active here.

Introductions / Re: M'athchomaroon
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:49:59 pm »
M'ath, zhey Khal Esizigo!

Actuallly, that's a really good start! Either I or Qvaak will look at this later for correctness (I am on lunch at work and have limited time).

Do you have the book as well?

Announcements / Re: IRC chats among ourselves
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:39:13 pm »
Zhey Daenerys, kashi neak, vos tihi yera!

As far as I know, IRC chats have not resumed. Everyone seems to be really busy!

Announcements / Three interesting articles
« on: January 18, 2015, 11:54:12 pm »

Introductions / Re: Hello!
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:08:38 pm »
M'ath, zhey Dendimonee! I hope you enjoy your time here. I see that you are already asking questions in other forums. Good! Do note though, that it tends to be rather quiet here. So, if it takes a couple days for someone to respond to a question, don't worry.

Announcements / Vitteqoyi Davra!
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:52:58 pm »
Vitteqoyi davra or 'nice feast' to all users of the 'Tongues of Ice and Fire' site from Hrakkar!

San athchomari chomakaan, zhey Qvaak! I was unable to get to this interesting translation last night, and as usual, you did a much better job than I could have.

General Discussion / Re: thanks for everything on this forum
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:15:14 am »
Thanks for the good words! We'll try to help as much as we can. I have been very busy as of late, but things are finally winding down. I hope to be able to spend more time here helping new Dothraki learners, although I will freely admit Qvaak is a much better Dothraki speaker than I am!

Beginners / Re: How do I Say "I hope I win"
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:17:27 pm »
I try and check here once a day, but this weekend was an unusually busy one for me. Plus, Qvaak is outstanding in his understanding of the language, so his translation should be as good as anyone's.

Beginners / Re: Dothraki principle participle verbs
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:05:15 pm »
Participles are indeed depreciated in Dothraki, but they are still occasionally used. Have you looked at the wiki pages? Participles are discussed in the verbs section of the Dothraki wiki.

Beginners / Re: Join DW's staff for Dothraki translations
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:49:40 pm »
More appropriate might be 'Join or I'll kill you' ;)

Announcements / 'Wired' podcast on Klingon and Dothraki
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:59:37 pm »
Here's a long (90 minutes), but very interesting podcast by noted Klingonist and founder of the Klingon Language Institute, Lawrence M. Schoen, and our very own David Peterson. Much ground is covered on the backgrounds of both languages. gets a nice shout-out as well!

Beginners / Re: Join DW's staff for Valyrian translations
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:45:07 pm »
What a way cool idea! I already posted in the discussion there. I wish I had the time to translate there on a regular idea, as that would be excellent practice. I will have to wait and see what develops, and add here and there where I can. (Even though I am heavily involved in the Dothraki language project, I don't consider myself to be a very good translator.)

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