General Discussion / Learning constructed languages - a short survey
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:16:56 pm »
There's something I could use some help with, so I'm posting about it on every relevant forum and such that I'm at. I hope you don't mind ^^'
I'm currently writing a paper on constructed languages as a university assignement, and I'm conducting a short (9 questions) and rather basic survey among people who know a constructed language or have at least tried to learn one at some point. It's all collected anonymously. If anybody here could take part in the survey or pass it on to other people, it would help me a lot and be greatly appreciated
The survey is here:
I'm currently writing a paper on constructed languages as a university assignement, and I'm conducting a short (9 questions) and rather basic survey among people who know a constructed language or have at least tried to learn one at some point. It's all collected anonymously. If anybody here could take part in the survey or pass it on to other people, it would help me a lot and be greatly appreciated

The survey is here: