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Announcements / Re: Problems with the wiki
« Last post by codemaster on December 20, 2018, 05:03:22 am »
I indeed get a time out error now. Last month, the error was "too many redirects". In any case, I have been unable to consult the wiki for a very long time now :-(
General Discussion / PhD Thesis About Constructed Languages
« Last post by colourless_green_wug on December 16, 2018, 11:00:55 am »
Dear language enthusiasts

I’m writing my PhD thesis about constructed languages and their speech communities. I want to find out who the people behind the languages are. I have devised a questionnaire to gather basic information. This will be completed by a second questionnaire and in-depth interviews.

I’d really appreciate your help. So, if you have 5 to 15 minutes, please follow the link below and fill in the questionnaire.

Here is the link:

If you have any questions or concerns, just comment below.

Thank you so much!

Best regards,


Beginners / Hear No, See No, Speak No Evil = TRANSLATION?
« Last post by kellerbea on December 06, 2018, 12:31:03 pm »
I'm completing a Mother of Dragons (three baby dragons sitting on three skulls) drawing for my pops. *Requested Commission* I want to put this Dothraki at the bottom. Is this correct? Thanks in advance for your ayuda.

charak vos

astolat vos

tihat vos

Announcements / Problems with the wiki
« Last post by Hrakkar on November 29, 2018, 01:08:00 pm »
Some of you may have noticed that the wiki has suddenly become very slow responding. The reason for this problem is still unknown, and the good folks at LearnNavi have been looking into it as well. We have come to the conclusion that there is some sort of low-level problem with the wiki that is best fixed with a software update. Sometime over the weekend of December 1st/2nd, I am going to try and upgrade the wiki. This may be simple; it may be very complicated. Stay tuned for future information about this upgrade. Also feel free to ask questions here, or PM me.
General Discussion / Re: What did Emilia Clarke say in Dothraki in this interview?
« Last post by Khal_Qana on November 12, 2018, 11:04:59 pm »
Hello future people (but mostly bots)!
General Discussion / Re: What did Emilia Clarke say in Dothraki in this interview?
« Last post by Alizia on September 25, 2018, 06:50:51 pm »
Months after, but it "Shekh ma shieraki anni". ;)
Beginners / Re: Dothraki Discord
« Last post by Khal_Qana on September 10, 2018, 10:57:09 pm »

Here's a third reminder for anyone who may still be lurking on this forum:

We're on Discord now!  We have two very active sister-servers for High Valyrian and Dothraki, and these are going to be the places where you will find the most active members of the community talking with each other 24/7! If that sounds fun to you then click the link for the server you're most interested in talking in!

Here's the link to the VALYRIAN server:

Here's the link to the DOTHRAKI server:

Hajas/Geros Ilas!
Announcements / Re: Dothraki Survey
« Last post by adoricic on July 09, 2018, 01:31:28 pm »
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank all participants in the survey - there has been over 500 responses! So awesome! I will be closing the survey today. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the report, feel free to contact me at my email: [email protected].

Dothras chek!

Beginners / Re: My progress journal
« Last post by Caelan on July 08, 2018, 11:02:11 pm »
It’s July 8th, 2018. Exactly two days since my last post. I considered waiting till a week or so had passed before posting an update and decided against it. Chances are I’m just going to post whenever I feel like it. Now, let’s get to the goodies. In my last post I talked about my lack of confidence with my pronunciation. While I still think my pronunciation may not be 100% correct I got some help from Khal_Qana (Kirimvose) who taught me about the IPA and helped me with how the letter “y” is pronounced in HV. I intend to practice my pronunciation with other people and perfect it when David Peterson adds the audio to the Duolingo course. Also in my last post was all the words I had learned so far. Which was not a small amount. But learning a language is more than just remembering which word means what. It’s also learning how those words go together and the rules behind how declensions work. As of now I have learned the basic structure of a sentence. HV is an S.O.V. language. Meaning that if you structured an English sentence the way you would a HV sentence it would be like this: “The boy happy is”. Which is super easy to grasp since HV has no articles. Otherwise constructing a sentence might be fairly difficult. After the sentence structure I learned about grammatical case. For now I only know the nominative and accusative cases. Nominative showing the word is the subject of the sentence like the word “Taoba”, and accusative showing the object of the sentence such as the word “azanti”. Taking these two words and combining them with a verb like “rijas” in the order of “Taoba azanti rijas” constructs a grammatically correct sentence meaning “The boy praises the knight” in English. There is more to how these grammatical cases work that I don’t yet know but will find out with the help of the wiki and Duolingo. There seems to be a pattern to how the declension conjugate words based on gender, which is something I have yet to really learn about. Until I do I’ll probably make a few mistakes in my conjugation of words. If you catch me making one of those mistakes feel free to correct me and explain why I was wrong. Well that’s it for today’s update. Until next time kirimvose, geros ilas se syyz bantis! (Thank you, farewell and goodnight!)
Beginners / Re: My progress journal
« Last post by Caelan on July 06, 2018, 03:28:10 pm »
It is July 6, 2018 which is around 4 months since I created this journal. I have learned close to nothing. I have the basics down mostly. I have some trouble confusing things like accusative and nominative plural, but I think I can get over it. Most of my effort has gone into learning Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese because I need to learn them for school and because they're slightly more pressing to learn than HV at the moment. I'm not entirely sure about my pronunciation but when David Peterson adds the audio to the Duolingo course I'll be able to fix that. After some thought I decided I would list all the new words I learn between updates in this journal.

Ābra(-ā) - Woman (nominative)
Ābre - Woman (accusative)
Ābri(-ī) - Women (nominative, accusative)
Ābrar - All women (?)
Vala(-ā) - Man (nominative)
Vale - Man (accusative)
Vali(-ī) - Men (nominative, accusative)
Valar - All men (?)
Riña(-ā) - Girl (nominative)
Riñe - Girl (accusative)
Riñi(-ī) - Girls (nominative, accusative)
Riñar - All girls (?)
Taoba(-ā) - Boy (nominative)
Taobe - Boy (accusative)
Taobi(-ī) - Boys (nominative, accusative)
Taobar - All boys (?)
Kepa(-ā) - Father (nominative)
Kepe - Father (accusative)
Kepi(-ī) - Fathers (nominative, accusative)
Kepar - All fathers (?)
Muña(-ā) - Mother (nominative)
Muñe - Mother (accusative)
Muñi(-ī) - Mothers (nominative, accusative)
Muñar - All mothers (?)
Azantys - Knight (nominative)
Azanti - Knight (accusative)
Azantyssy, Azantī - Knights (nominative, accusative)
Hontes - Bird (nominative)
Hontī - Bird (accusative)
Hontesse, Honti - Birds (nominative, accusative)
Issa - He, She, It is
Issi - They are
Iksā - You are
Iksāt - You all are/Y'all are
Iksi - We are
Iksan - I am
Līris(-i) - He, She, It smiles, They smile
Vāedas(-is) - He, She, it sings, They sing
Ēdrus(-si) - He, She, it sleeps, They sleep
Kirine(-i) -  Happy/Glad/Pleased, They are happy/glad/pleased
Nages(-i) - He, She, it sweats, They sweat
Syyz(-ri) - Good, They are good
Daor - No
Rytsas - Hello/Greetings
Morghuuris - die
Dohaeris - serve
Geros ilas - Goodbye/Farewell
Kostilus - Please
Kirimvose - Thank you
Rhaenagon - To meet
Ryybas - He, She, It hears
Ryybis - They hear
Ryyban - I hear
Urnes - He, She, It see
Urnesi - They see
Urnen - I see
Jorrāelza - He, She, It loves
Jorrāelzi - They love
Jorrāelzan - I love
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