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Topics - Jasi

Pages: [1]
Beginners / Jasi's Journal [The Riddle Game]
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:49:52 pm »
So... I really want to learn this language properly (and not just reading and writing in it, but speaking and thinking, too).  I've decided to start my own thread documenting my attempts.  As a starting point I thought it would be fun to invite everyone to a game of riddles (in the fashion of Tolkien).  I'll be trying to translate some very basic ones into Dothraki, and will document my thoughts as I make my attempt.  Feel free to jump in at any time and add your own!

Introductions / Athchomar chomakea. Hake anne Jasati.
« on: March 13, 2013, 09:37:45 am »
Athchomar chomakea.  Hake anne Jasati.  Anha jasak hajinaan mezhilak erin asti.  Anha, zhey Jasati, atak nesolaan Dothraki.

Hello everyone; I know I probably made plenty of mistakes, but I hope I did okay for my first attempt (this is my first time learning a conlag).  I built my name using the examples David gave on his blog, instead of with the Wiki.  If I got this wrong... well, I hope I can still change it.  :P

I went with, "jasak" because I couldn't find a word in the English to Dothraki dictionary purely for laugh, and the rule in tutorial 1 to reduce a word to its base was to drop to be (at/lat).  I tagged, "-ak" at the end because I've noticed it tends to follow Anha (i.e. anha qiyak, anha sajak, etc.).  "me-" before zhilak because it follows hajinaan, and I couldn't find "to love something" so I chose "to love someone".  I used erin asti because asti seemed an acceptable root of astilat (or would it just be ast?).  That's the sentence I had the most difficulty with, and would greatly appreciate it if someone could come along and give me a play-by-play of what I've said.

"I was shooting for, "Respect to those that are respected.  My name is Jasati.  I am (laughter) because I love a good joke.  I, Jasati, will learn Dothraki."

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