Okay I've assembled it or most of it at least. I'm just gonna post the whole list here. The items are divided into levels, so please feel free to offer advice on the order of the words, the levels, and the names of the levels and well... anything that you think could be improved. I also encountered some problems and dilemmas, so I wrote them all down as I went along. I'll put those at the bottom.
I also didn't add any pronouns because I don't know a whole lot about all those conjugations and declinations and whatnot. So I was hoping that one of you guys could add a list of pronouns that are used very often. Thanks!
Everyday wordssek - yes
vos - no

ishish - maybe

chek - good
m'ath - hi
m’athchomaroon - with respect (greeting)
Familyrhojosor - family (animate)

mai - mother (animate)
ave - father (animate)

simonof - grandfather (animate)

kristasof - grandmother (inanimate)

gaezo - brother (/)

inavva - sister (/)

rizh - son (animate)

ohara - daughter (inanimate)
Outsidegache - place, environs (inanimate)

feshith - tree (/)

halah - flower (animate)

qevir - forest (/)

ashefa - river (animate)

tozara - lake (animate)

olta - hill (inanimate)
Adjectivesdavra - good, useful

edavrasa - useless, of poor quality

zhokwa - big

naqis - small

neak - long

fitte - short

ohazh - heavy

imesh - young

foz - old

diwe - wet

ath - dry
Verbsdavralat - to be useful

edavrasalat - to be useless

zhokwalat - to be large

naqisat - to be small

neakat - to be long

fittelat - to be short

ohazhat - to be
come heavy

imeshat - to be young

fozat - to be old

diwelat - to be wet

athat - to be dry
Pronounsanha - I
anni - of mine
anna - me

yer - you
me - he, she, it
kisha - we

yeri - you (plural)
mori - they

eyak - everyone
Homeokrenegwin - stone house (inanimate)

okre - tent (/)

gref - wall (/)

davrakh - useful thing, app (inanimate)

emrakh - gate (inanimate)

ador - chair (inanimate)

az - blade (inanimate)

heffof - jug (inanimate)

jolino - cooking pot (inanimate)

khogar - word for one's apparel, clothes (inanimate)

khogari - box, trunk, chest, cask (inanimate)
Adjectives 2reddi - skinny

oiro - fat

dik - fast

vroz - slow

erin - kind, good
mel - bad, evil

toki - dumb

ville - wise

yofi - mad, crazy

haj - strong
fish - cold

afazh - hot

afazhi - warm
Verbs 2reddilat - to be skinny

oirolat - to be fat

dikat - to be fast

vrozat - to be slow

erinat - to be kind, to be good

melat - to be evil

tokilat - to be dumb

villat - to be wise

yofilat - to be mad, to be crazy

hajat - to be strong

fishat - to be cold

afazhat - to be hot

afazhilat - to be warm
Animalsrhoa - animal (/)

jano - dog (inanimate)

havzi - cat (/)

dalfe - cow (inanimate)

noah - bull (animate)

dorvi - goat (inanimate)

oqet - sheep (inanimate)

qifo - boar / pig (inanimate)

hrazef - horse (inanimate)

jiz - chicken (animate)

alegra - duck (inanimate)
Conjunctions and Determinersma - and
ven - like, as
ei - all, every

che - either, or

loy - some, few, any, a bit of

san - much, many

zhille - any
Adjectives 3driv - dead

thir - alive

achra - smelly

sorf - dirty

gizikhven - sweet

jelaven - sour

zhifven - salty

havziven - lazy

ataki - first

remek - asleep

samva - broken
Verbs 3drivolat - to die

drivat - to be dead

thirat - to live

achralat - to be smelly, to give of a smell

sorfat - to be dirty

gizikhvenat - to be sweet

jelavenat - to be sour

zhifvenat - to be salty

havzivenat - to be lazy

atakilat - to be first

remekat - to sleep

samvalat - to be broken ?samvat - to be broken

samvolat - to break
Animals 2gimi - mouse (/)

afis - fly (/)

giz - bee (/)

hlizif - bear (animate)

leqse - rat (inanimate)

qosar - spider (/)

ver - wolf (/)

yetto - frog (inanimate)

zir - bird (/)

mawizzi - rabbit (inanimate)

eshina - fish (/)

gezri - snake (animate)
Home 2orzi - shoe (inanimate)

timvir - book (/)

yot - fruit (inanimate)

thom - juice (inanimate)

hadaen - food (inanimate)

gavat - meat (inanimate)

vinte - portion of meat (inanimate)

jelli - cheese (inanimate)

nindi - sausage (inanimate)

qazer - apple (inanimate)

zhif - salt (inanimate)
Outside 2krazaaj - mountain (inanimate)

eyel - rain (inanimate)

asavva - sky (animate)
shekh - sun (inanimate)

jalan - moon (animate)

shierak - star (animate)

vaes - city (inanimate)

os - path, road (inanimate)

rhaesh - land, country (animate)
Numbers 0 - 10som - zero (0)

at - one (1)
akat - two (2)
sen - three (3)
tor - four (4)
mek - five (5)
zhinda - six (6)
fekh - seven (7)
ori - eight (8 )
qazat - nine (9)
thi - ten (10)
Peoplevoj - person (animate)

okeo - friend, trustee (animate)

mahrazh - man (animate)
rakh - boy, lamb (/)

rakhi - boy (insult) (/)

chiori - woman (animate)

nayat - girl (inanimate)

yalli - child (animate)

enta - baby, infant (/)

tokik - fool (animate)
Elementssorfo - dirt (inanimate)

vorsa - fire (animate)
chaf - wind (animate)

eveth - water (inanimate)

jesh - ice (inanimate)
Verbs 4tat - to do

elat - to go

adakhat - to eat

ammemat - to play a musical instrument

astolat - to speak

astat - to say

dirgat - to think

emat - to smile

ezhirat - to dance
Bodykhado - body (animate)
nhare - head (animate)

lenta - neck (/)

elme - shoulder (inanimate)
qora - hand, arm (animate)

tir - finger (inanimate)

gango - belly (inanimate)

khaor - waist (inanimate)

rhae - foot, leg (/)

hlofa - wrist, ankle
vem - knee, elbow (/)

vemish - heel of the hand or foot (inanimate)
irge - back (/)

ilek - skin (/)
PhrasesAthdavrazar(!) - Excellent!
Me nem nesa - It is known
Vosecchi(!) - No way!

Hash yer dothrae chek? - How are you?
Anha garvok(!) - I’m hungry!
I’m hungry(!) - I'm thirsty!
Yer zheanae (sekke) - You’re (very) beautiful
San athchomari yeraan(!) - Thank you! (a lot of honor to you)

Fonas chek(!) - goodbye (Hunt well! - Farewell)
Body 2noreth - hair (inanimate)

vish - forehead (/)

hatif - face (/)

tih - eye (animate)

riv - nose, tip (/)

dech - cheek (inanimate)

gomma - mouth of a human (/)

heth - lips, rim (inanimate)
lekh - tongue (inanimate)

chare - ear (inanimate)

vik - chin (inanimate)
shirane - beard (inanimate)
Verbs 5ezolat - to learn

ezzolat - to teach

fejat - to hate

frakhat - to touch, to reach to touch

frakholat - to feel

garvolat - to grow hungry, to hunger

fevelat - to thirst

ifat - to walk

layafat - to be happy
Seasonsvorsaska - summer (inanimate)

eyelke - spring (inanimate)

chafka - autumn (inanimate)

aheshke - winter (inanimate)
Other Nounsvosi - nothing (inanimate)

atthirar - life (inanimate)

athdrivar - death (inanimate)

athfiezar - love (inanimate)

eme - smile (inanimate)

zoqwa - kiss (/)

lekh - language (animate)

athjerizar - discussion (inanimate)

ato - one, something (inanimate)

vekhikh - object, thing (inanimate)
Verbs 6hoyalat - to sing

ifat - to walk

indelat - to drink

jasat - to laugh

khezhat - to be sad

zhilat - to love someone

jolinat - to cook

lommat - to bathe

lanat - to run
Colorsvishiya - color

dahaan - green

kazga - black

nozhoven - brown

reaven - purple

shiqeth - grey

veltor - yellow

vishiya - color

zasqa - white

thelis - blue

theyaven - pink

virzeth - red
Other Nouns 2athvilajerar - war (inanimate)

qoy - blood (inanimate)

athrokhar - fear (inanimate)

athvillar - wisdom (inanimate)
atthirarido - dream (inanimate)

dirge - thought, idea (inanimate)

hake - name (animate)
ase - word, command (animate)
Verbs 7laqat - to cry

nesolat - to learn

nevalat - to sit

nevasolat - to sit down

chilayat - to lie (body position)chilat - to lie down

qafat - to ask
tihat - to look, to see

zoqwat - to kiss

Problemsershe and foz both mean "old"
ohazhat - to become heavy, not to be heavy ??
what baout ville - wise (ajd) and the verb villat - to be wise. Looks liek an exception. How do we know the other unrecorded verbs that come from adjectives
aren't exceptions too?
haj - strong (adj); hajolat - to grow strong. Is hajat - to be strong?
afazh (adj.) - hot; affazhat - to warm, to give warmth, to make hot. Is afazhat, to be hot? and afazhilat to be warm?
samva - broken
samvolat - to break
is samvalat - to be broken?
chilay (adj) - laying
chilat - to lie down
can we conclude that chilayat means to lie?
what is verb transitivity?
is irge - "back" meant as a part of the human body?
lenta - stem, neck; can this be the neck of a human?
Change log14.2.2014 - Added a
Phrases level
- Moved
sky from
Elements to
Outside 2 - Marked words that still lack an audio file
- Added a
Conjunctions and Determiners level
- Added a
Pronouns level
20.2.2014 - Removed exclamation mark from
chek in
Everyday Words5.5.2014 - Removed nonexistent word from
Conjunctions and Determiners