General Discussion / Dothraki Facebook
« on: March 22, 2012, 02:13:43 am »
New community project! 
This will put a lot of your Facebook text from English into Dothraki (once it is translated). It works by just pasting over the stuff using Javascript, and not by using an API or the Facebook translators bench. In essence, this is much quicker, easier, and glitchy. This script is also being developed for the Na'vi community (as well as for other, real language communities, actually, but I'm not connected to those).
The File
Dothraki Facebook
I did not create this. Neskie Manuel did originally, and then Kevin Scannell pointed it out on a list I follow, and I downloaded Neskie's old code. I wish I could take credit, but I can't. However, I do hope to improve the code if I can. I did do most of the Na'vi translations, but that doesn't really matter here, does it?
This thing is super-beta. It's very iffy in places, and it doesn't work for everything. BUT it works for some things, and I think we can get the rest going, I hope. What's important is that if you know JS, get in touch. I am going to keep all of the code in the dedicated github, along with the Na'vi stuff. PM me if you want push/pull access. If you don't know JS, but know Dothraki: post translations below, or join the Git if you want to post them directly.
If you download and use it, let me know! Post here. Please. It'll be good to know how many people are actually using this thing.
Installation Directions
(Directions lifted from here)
So far this only works on computers where you can download and install a little Greasemonkey file. It won't work on mobiles etc.
1. Make sure your Facebook account's language is set to "English (UK)". (To check, go to the down arrow in the top right hand corner, then "Account Settings" and then "Language")
2. What Internet Browser do you use? So far, I only know how to make this work on Firefox and Google Chrome. If you don't have these browsers, then you can download them very quickly and easily here. If/when you have Google Chrome, you can go straight to Step 3.
If you use Firefox for your Internet browser, then go here and install the "add-on". Then go to Step 3.
3. Follow the link above and click "install" in the top right hand corner. You might need to close the browser and re-open it, but basically that's all there is to it. Your FB should now have whatever Dothraki translations we've done.
Current Translations (May not be as up-to-date as the code itself)
Green is for words which have been translated and (should) work.
Red is for English words to translate.
And orange is for words that don't currently work with the script, either because they aren't grabbed, or because they break something.
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This will put a lot of your Facebook text from English into Dothraki (once it is translated). It works by just pasting over the stuff using Javascript, and not by using an API or the Facebook translators bench. In essence, this is much quicker, easier, and glitchy. This script is also being developed for the Na'vi community (as well as for other, real language communities, actually, but I'm not connected to those).
The File
Dothraki Facebook
I did not create this. Neskie Manuel did originally, and then Kevin Scannell pointed it out on a list I follow, and I downloaded Neskie's old code. I wish I could take credit, but I can't. However, I do hope to improve the code if I can. I did do most of the Na'vi translations, but that doesn't really matter here, does it?

This thing is super-beta. It's very iffy in places, and it doesn't work for everything. BUT it works for some things, and I think we can get the rest going, I hope. What's important is that if you know JS, get in touch. I am going to keep all of the code in the dedicated github, along with the Na'vi stuff. PM me if you want push/pull access. If you don't know JS, but know Dothraki: post translations below, or join the Git if you want to post them directly.
If you download and use it, let me know! Post here. Please. It'll be good to know how many people are actually using this thing.
Installation Directions
(Directions lifted from here)
So far this only works on computers where you can download and install a little Greasemonkey file. It won't work on mobiles etc.
1. Make sure your Facebook account's language is set to "English (UK)". (To check, go to the down arrow in the top right hand corner, then "Account Settings" and then "Language")
2. What Internet Browser do you use? So far, I only know how to make this work on Firefox and Google Chrome. If you don't have these browsers, then you can download them very quickly and easily here. If/when you have Google Chrome, you can go straight to Step 3.
If you use Firefox for your Internet browser, then go here and install the "add-on". Then go to Step 3.
3. Follow the link above and click "install" in the top right hand corner. You might need to close the browser and re-open it, but basically that's all there is to it. Your FB should now have whatever Dothraki translations we've done.
Current Translations (May not be as up-to-date as the code itself)
Green is for words which have been translated and (should) work.
Red is for English words to translate.
And orange is for words that don't currently work with the script, either because they aren't grabbed, or because they break something.
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