Author Topic: Hey Everyone. I'm back  (Read 17093 times)

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Hey Everyone. I'm back
« on: October 13, 2016, 04:03:50 pm »
Hello my brothers and sisters of Dothraki and Valyrian,

I'm sorry I've been away for so long.  I had started off the summer looking forward to spending hours on this forum, asking people questions, submitting translations and learning some Valyrian more.  However, life does work in its strange ways, and I ended up having to postpone a lot of plans I had for the conlanging community we have here. Job hunting, job working, school enrollment, school attendance, meeting family and having to deal with a possible cancer scare all threw themselves at me in these few short months.  Though life had thrown me through the thick and thin of its plans, I still came out on top of it all, standing proud.  I've got a new laptop and enough time in between my classes to post regularly, so I reckon you will be seeing more of me in the future.  I'll start up the daily Valyrian learning posts by Monday of next week, and I'll be shooting/editing the video for my italki application next weekend. I'll also be around to talk much of the time so if you want to talk to me in Dothraki feel free to contact me with a PM or Skype message.

Until we meet on the battlefield, be strong!

My name means butt swarm