Learn Valyrian > Beginners
High Valyrian for 'cheers'
Greetings all,
So I've been curious for a long time whether or not there's any Valyrian for 'cheers.' Seems like one of those really integral cultural aspects.
Can anyone help me out?
--- Quote from: mouthfulofair on February 08, 2017, 01:11:00 pm ---Greetings all,
So I've been curious for a long time whether or not there's any Valyrian for 'cheers.' Seems like one of those really integral cultural aspects.
Can anyone help me out?
--- End quote ---
There is no entry in either the Valyrian nor Dothraki dictionary, so there likely isn't one yet in either language. If you REALLY want to know you could try asking David J. Peterson on Tumbler, people ask him "How do you say X in Y conlang" (usually Trigedasleng) all the time.
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