Learn Valyrian > Beginners
Need some help with verb conjugation
Rytsas all,
For the last two weeks, I have started learning high valyrian. I am eager to continue and not give up at the first sign of trouble. The trouble being is how to deal with verbs in the present tense.
I understand the difference between consonant-stem verbs and vowel-stem verbs.
I am 99% certain I can distinguish between the two types of consonant-stem verbs.
However, I do not understand the vowel-stem verbs of which the stem ends with an a, or basically, any verb that ends with -agon. How can I tell if it is a vowel-stem verb (because of the a) or a consonant-stem verb (because of the consonant before the a)?
The vast majority are consonant-stem verbs, but there is no system for determining it, so you have to essentially learn it along with the verb. The conjugations look different though, for example if you know the perfect participle you can tell which type it is. Good luck with the studying!
Thanks for the help, that clears up a lot!
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