The World of Westeros > HBO: Game of Thrones
Making of Dothraki video coming soon.
Comcast has announced a new partnership with HBO where they are releasing lots of previews and interviews ahead of the Game of Thrones premiere. In their announcement they also mention that there will be a video about the creation of the Dothraki language.
We'll keep you posted about when this video will show up.
I asked David on twitter if he was interviewed for the making of dothraki video and he confirmed that he was.
Woo! Stuff is finally happening. :D
The 6 minute dothraki language video will be released on HBO Demand and probably on on April 4th.
The making Game of Thrones video has not been released. It can be seen on comcast/xfinity by viewers in the US (perhaps you need a subscription) but us mere mortals have to make due with a version on youtube that is filmed with camstudio so the quality is very poor. The sound is ok though.
Game of Thrones: Creating the Dothraki Language
If anyone can see the actual video on xfinity could you try to make a screenshot of Davids list of words that he shows the camera?
Hopefully HBO will release a HD version of the video sooner or later once the xfinity exclusivity has passed.
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