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Topics - killingtime23

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Beginners / Translating a short (Seinfeld-Dothraki) comedy sketch
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:38:07 am »
Hello Everyone, (or rather M'ath!)

I emailed David J. Peterson asking for resources to help translate a short comedy sketch into Dothraki. One, he emailed me back, which was awesome, and two, he suggested I join the forums and see if anyone was interested in helping me with the project.

I write comedy sketches with a small group in Los Angeles, and I decided to combine the Seinfeldian discussions of nothing with the unique Dothraki style of speech... and their rather divergent way of life compared to the trivial conversations often seen between George, Jerry, Elaine and Kramer.

It's just a two page sketch and only the dialogue needs to be translated.  I started with the nouns, but conjugating verbs has proved to be difficult.

Would anyone be interested in helping?  Moreover, if anyone lives in the Los Angeles area and would like to come on set when we shoot it and be my language consultant, I would totally pay for your lunch.  (...yep, I'm poor, and it's super low

Thank you a ton, and let it be known my intention with this sketch is to please the true fans of both Seinfeld and Game of Thrones. I'm not concerned with what's the broadest comedy or how many hits it will get. 
It's fan art essentially.


(I attached the pdf, which is the script in English only)

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