Dothraki name
As soon as there's a (public, announced) word for "fish."
zhaqe:[ZaqE]DP n.bassfish

Was this word created specifically for you?!
I'm just a tuna swimming in your wake, o great one! =D
I think the conversation went something like this:
[22:32] <ingsve> payoang needs to know the word for fish or seabass in dothraki
[22:33] <DavidJPeterson> Sea bass? Probably would be a borrowing, if it made its way into Dothraki at all.
[22:34] <DavidJPeterson> Their ocean vocabulary is scant, at best.
[22:34] <ingsve> I was speculating that the dothraki sea might have lakes at least so a fresh water equivalent probably should exist
[22:35] <DavidJPeterson> Oh, certainly. The Womb of the World is a lake, after all.
[22:35] <DavidJPeterson> There's a scene in the book where they bathe in it.
[22:35] <Payoang> But yes. A fishy word-- I mean, word for "Fish" would be lovely
[22:36] <DavidJPeterson> Hang on, I want to explore this "bass" bit a little bit. There are freshwater bass, are there not?
[22:36] <ingsve> yes
[22:37] <Payoang> Allegedly, basses come in various varietals: black, giant, chilean, european, spotted, largemouth, australian.
[22:37] <DavidJPeterson> I do have a word for that.
[22:37] <DavidJPeterson> It's a back-formation, in reality.
[22:38] <DavidJPeterson> In the context of the language, though, it's the name from which Zhaqo (in the book Jhaqo) comes.
[22:38] <DavidJPeterson> The word is zhaqe.