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Messages - KhaleesiAnna

Pages: [1]
Hey hrakkar

I hope it's okay that i contact you again.
While writing my article some new questions came up.
So maybe you can answer them to me:
- What was your motivation to learn na'vi?
- Why did you study Hebrew and Greek?
- What do you think ist special about Dothraki?

Thank you,
Annabelle 🙂

Thank you @Hrakkar!
You helped me so much with my article.

Thank you for your answer. But I think I already have enough information for my article.


Annabelle, sounds interesting. The best person to try and contact for your topic is Dothraki creator David Peterson. He is easily found of Facebook, or his own website David's a good guy and is usually happy to do these. But if you are just looking for a fan and haven't had any takers yet, I'm game.

Hey Hrakkar,
I'm already staying in contact with him. He ist really cool.
But for my article I also need the view of a fan. So maybe if you have a few minutes i could ask you a few questions?

My Questions are:
- What was your motivation to learn Dothraki?
- How do you learn it? Do you use the book and the app?
- Which other languages do you speak?
- How much time do you spend in learning Dothraki?
- When did you discover 'A song of ice and fire' / Game of Thrones?
- What do you like the most about it?
- Is it possible for you to communicate with others in Dothraki?

And also some personal questions, but if you don't want to answer them its totally fine.
- How old are you?
- Is it okay for you if I use your Username in my article?
- In which country do you live?

You would help me so much with my article! :)

Hello my name is Annabelle.
I'm a Public Relations student from Germany. This month we have a newspaper project about Movie and Language. We were free to choose a topic of our interest.
So my idea is to write about GoT and how the language Dothraki developed from the books to the series and is now learned by many fans all over the World. I would like to ask you some questions in an interview about your experience while learning Dothraki.

So if you have some time over the weekend feel free to write me an email ([email protected]) or answer in a comment.  :)
You would help me very much with the project.

Hajas!  ;)

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