Information > David's Dothraki blog

The Generic Dothraki Blog Thread

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To recap, a list of kinda-definite translations for mottoes of westerosi houses:

House Targaryen: Fire and Blood — Vorsa ma Qoy
House Stark: Winter is Coming — Aheshke Jada
House Mormont: Here We Stand — Jinne Kisha Kovaraki
House Greyjoy: We Do Not Sow — Kisha Vo Velaineroki
House Tully: Family, Duty, Honor — Rhojosor, Atthar, Chomokh
House Arryn: As High as Honor — Ven Yath ven Chomokh
House Lannister: Hear Me Roar! — Chari Anna Zorat!
House Tyrell: Growing Strong — Hajolat

I used the capitalisation from's page. It's hilariously bizarre idea, that Dothraki might have it's unique capitalisation and punctuation rules.


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