Information > Announcements
New Forum Theme
Athchomar chomakea!
So, I took the liberty to set the new Dothraki forum theme as default theme. :) Of course, you have the possibility to change the theme to your favorite one in the profile tab.
I hope you like this theme and give me some feedback regarding improoving the look/layout or fixing bugs. Just post here, PM or email me. :)
- Tìtstewan
And I want to thank Tìtstewan for creating this new theme. When I first tried it, I wasn't sure about it. But after a week or two, I really began to enjoy the clean look of theme. I hope you enjoy it, too!
Kea tìkin!
Suggestions are always welcome! :D
Ayye, the forum looks all clean now and not like a dirty 2006 message board. I like it!
I'm glad you like it! :D
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