Author Topic: Creating a few easily remember phrases for an engagement  (Read 12793 times)

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Creating a few easily remember phrases for an engagement
« on: April 20, 2016, 07:11:53 pm »
Good evening,

I need help creating a few phrases. I do not speak well and (admit it) and always had trouble with languages (failed French 1 in high school with a 52).

I am a burlesque performer with Burlesque is Coming, a tribute to the works of George R. R. Martin (endorsed by the man himself!). I will be at a local engagement to promote our tour this fall. I'll be dressed as Khal Drogo and I wanted a few phrases to say to bring more life the the event.

Rough phrases I am looking to put together is:

1) How dare you speak to me in that manor (some insult here)!

2) I am just an ordinary man in a costume.

3) Try a Honey chicken drumsticks, “Lamprey” meat pies, Bacon-wrapped Figs and Cheese & Onion tarts (this can be paired down to "Try a drumstick", "Try a meat pie", etc)

4) How's your bowl of brown, peasant?

or any other phrases you can think of that would fit the situation.
Here is a link for the event if you would like more details for suggestions on phrases.

It is a bizarre request, but it stems from failing to find a translation of the word costume (or any relevant synonym).

Thank you in advance for any help.

Dante the Inferno   


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Re: Creating a few easily remember phrases for an engagement
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 07:32:48 pm »
Also, how do you pronounce vikeesi? because I just found a pet name for my wife! lol
Is it pronounced like (vic)(easy) or like (vike)(easy) {like bike with a 'v' instead of a 'b'}?


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Re: Creating a few easily remember phrases for an engagement
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2016, 06:26:35 am »
short answer: No.

Long answer: no, because the double e does not work the same way in dothraki as it does in english. In dothraki, whenever to vowels are next to each other you make a distinction between the two; you don't "glide" over the dipthongs (two vowels next to each other). However, you must be sure not to pronounce each vowel fully distinct from one another as if they were two words. Just add a bit of emphasis on the last E.

you would pronounce it like "Vikeési"

Vi as in me

Kee as in Bay

si as in see

« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 06:37:17 am by Choyosor »
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Re: Creating a few easily remember phrases for an engagement
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2016, 06:59:24 am »
1) yer mra qora ilek enossho! (you have the skin of a mule!) which means that you act like a horse, but you are in truth a much more pathetic.

2) anha voj she qemmosorido (I am a man in wooden clothes)

3) lekhis san hadaen! (taste the many foods!)

4) hash yer allayafi k'iggesi nozhoven, tokik? (are you pleased by your brown bowl, fool?)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 12:16:00 pm by Choyosor »
My name means butt swarm