Hello everyone !
This little software can conjugate a dothraki verb and generate a conjugation table.
Windowsv1.0.0 (english, français)
Done :- basic conjugation with negation
- (media)wiki file
- excell file
- multi language
- conjugation with exception
- ephethesis with exception
- extraction from verblist file
- colored verb ending (for wiki)
In test/progress :Future update :- config file for select only wiki or/and excell, color setting
Exception supported :- Ending special letter (sh, ch, kh, zh, th)
- Tat (past single)
- Silat (double ending type)
- Vrelat (l/-at verb)
- Asshilat (l/-at verb)
- Assilat (double ending type)
- Ayolat (l/-at verb)
- Chilat (l/-at verb)
- Hoyalat (l/-at verb)
- Koalat (l/-at verb)
- Shilat (l/-at verb)
- Yolat (l/-at verb)
- Zalat (l/-at verb)
- Zhilat (l/-at verb)
- Zolat (l/-at verb)
Multi language : English / FrançaisWhen you run it for the first time, it demands your language.
Choose it and it's saved in the future.
If you want to change language, delete "dothraki.config" file and run it again.
It changes all messages in the software and in table.
If you want any other language, please send me exact traduction of all text.
Conjugation exception, text file "conjugation.exception"This file is only for l/-at exception and is very easy to edit, the format is :
"verb type"
"verb type"
'verb' is the infinitive verb.
'type' is 2 if the verb is only a -at verb, 3 if the verb is a -at and -lat verb.
To add/remove a verb exception, just add/remove a new/old lign in the file.
Extraction from verblist fileA dothraki.verblist file exemple is in the directory with all verb of dictionary. Of course, you can make your file like you want, the format is :
'verb' is the infinitive verb.
For exemple, if you want to conjugate silat, ifat and iddelat, make a new text file, change the ending file by .verblist and write into it :
Move the text file on the .exe file and enjoy
Bug known :- Winshit 8 : the program can close itself at the end, but work.
- Tat (Past single) : don't work in 0.0.2 - fix 0.0.3
- verb ending l/-at not supported - fix 0.0.4
Please report any mistake, bug or exception not supported here and enjoy