Beginners / Re: Jasi's Journal [The Riddle Game]
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:17:38 pm »
Sorry; haven't been on in more than a week. I've been using a brain hack, and I'm crazy bitchy that I wasn't using it before (I used it for my anatomy terminology in my EMT class)! It's called Spaced Repetition, or the Leitner System.

Here's what I've been doing. I made flashcards of the A section of the English-to-Dothraki Dictionary, and 3 boxes marked Every Day, Every Two Days, Every Three Days. Six days ago I studied the flashcards for an hour and then went about my day. Five days ago I went back through the cards again. If I got them right I put them in the Every Two Days box. If I got them wrong, back into the Every Day box they went. For the rest of my week I went back to the cards for about 10 minutes/day. If I got the word right it went up a box. If I got it wrong it went back to the beginning. You'd think it'd be hard to keep track of, but it isn't: I just keep a calendar on my phone. For my anatomy terms I had it at Every Day, Every Week, and Every Month, but that's only because I'd taken anatomy before and needed a refresher. For learning new stuff, the 3-day system is working like a charm.
I'm using it to expand my vocabulary, but I should probably be doing it for my grammar.
EDIT: I wanted to share this with you guys because Cracked ran an article about it recently, and I love that site and any excuse to promote it.

Here's what I've been doing. I made flashcards of the A section of the English-to-Dothraki Dictionary, and 3 boxes marked Every Day, Every Two Days, Every Three Days. Six days ago I studied the flashcards for an hour and then went about my day. Five days ago I went back through the cards again. If I got them right I put them in the Every Two Days box. If I got them wrong, back into the Every Day box they went. For the rest of my week I went back to the cards for about 10 minutes/day. If I got the word right it went up a box. If I got it wrong it went back to the beginning. You'd think it'd be hard to keep track of, but it isn't: I just keep a calendar on my phone. For my anatomy terms I had it at Every Day, Every Week, and Every Month, but that's only because I'd taken anatomy before and needed a refresher. For learning new stuff, the 3-day system is working like a charm.
I'm using it to expand my vocabulary, but I should probably be doing it for my grammar.

EDIT: I wanted to share this with you guys because Cracked ran an article about it recently, and I love that site and any excuse to promote it.