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Messages - StannisBaratheon_ark

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Dothraki-Greek, Greek-Dothraki dictionary
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:46:31 pm »
105 words done, 2.985 are still pending.

Would you be interested in compiling a Greek dictionary like the main/French/Spanish dictionaries?
Perche no? When i finish with the remaining 2.985. :) :) :)

I should receive the document in an editable format. I suggest that all dictionaries have the same formatting.

Which text editor has been used for these dictionaries?

General Discussion / Re: Other languages in ASOAIF
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:42:42 pm »
It seems that I've misunderstood.

So was it only David J. Peterson the developer of the language?

Apart form this, Dothraki language has been created. Valyrian is coming. If more languages are about to be created it would be hard to learn all of them.

Announcements / Re: Dothraki-Greek, Greek-Dothraki dictionary
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:45:00 am »
How very cool! I know just enough Greek to be dangerous, from Biblical studies.
[Fun mode] Is that a threat? IS THAT A THREAT? [/Fun mode]
Well, Greek is my mother tongue. However this doesn't mean that I'm perfect (only the Lord is perfect).

Furthermore,  if you have any comment, suggestion etc do not hesitate

Would you be interested in compiling a Greek dictionary like the main/French/Spanish dictionaries?
I'm not aware of these French/Spanish dictionaries. Might I have a link?

Wow! That'll be something, Dothraki translated into Modern Greek! I want to see that!
It can't be done easily. However, I intend to do a few words per day and eventually it will be done.

General Discussion / Other languages in ASOAIF
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:40:36 pm »
Unless I'm wrong there are almost 10 languages in the ASOIAF series (I think there 9 beyond the Wall).

I suppose that the Dothraki, the High Valyrian and the Bastard Valyrian are the primary ones.

If LCS continues to develop new languages for the TV series we will have problem. :-\ :-\ :-\

Announcements / Dothraki-Greek, Greek-Dothraki dictionary
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:02:04 am »
Hi guys,

I have registered to the wiki with the same nickname.

Today I started translating the first Dothraki words to Greek. It's not an easy project. It will take time and I'm afraid i'm the only Greek here (until now).

I started in my user page. Take a look, I'm waiting for your comments.

Introductions / StannisBaratheon_ark just arrived
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:55:33 am »
Hi guys,

an ASOIAF fun from Greece just arrived.

I had already registered to the wiki. However I could not registered to the forum and the admin rectified the situation.

Pages: [1]