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Khal Drogo
So for halloween this year I've decided to go as Kahl Drogo, the one from the series. Suggested by a friend after we saw him in the first episode of HBO's show, and solidified in the most recent episode (The Pointy End) I'm willing to go all-out for this costume, as with the previous halloween, in which i went as a hipster. From learning how to work leather and making jewlery with resin, to growing out my beard and hair, to working out and tanning, to learning a fair amount of Dothraki.
As some may guess based off my username, I am also into Na'vi (I'm the same skxawng from and one of my pet peeves about cosplayers of Na'vi is that none of the ones I've met knew how to react when I hailed them nìNa'vi. My thoughts are if you're going to spend hours making a costume, you should also spend hours learning the character you're to become, otherwise, you're just playing dress-up.
So I'm intending this topic to be a progress log of both the Costume Creation, as well as a sort of Journal for learning Dothraki. Unfortunately I don't have nearly enough time to become conversational in Dothraki - I'm barely maintaining what I know about Na'vi at this point, but I do want to get to the point of understanding if someone said a basic phrase to me, I want to get pronunciation down, and have a modest repository of phrases/responses memorized that I can respond with. If anyone has suggestions for this don't hold back!! Remember though, I'll be in the persona of Kahl Drogo, so they should be appropriate to him.
Basic Phrases to Learn:
Insults / Dismissals
“Go find somewhere else to stick your cock”
Questions (mocking)
Questions (curious)
“You’re speaking truthfully?”
“How are you today?”
“Will I see you again”
“You’re wrong”
“I disagree”
"I am feeling good/well today"
Artistically speaking, I’m going to need to learn how to Work Leather, from selection to cutting to dying and construction. I’m also going to need to learn how to make a mold with silicone, and cast in resin. Having a good deal of ceramic knowledge, I’m confident in my sculptural and molding abilities, and I’m very much looking forward to learning all of these things.
Things to Create:
Leather Girdle: 7% complete
- Pattern for Leather created,
- fitted to my body.
- Cardboard template also created.
- Leather type/weight decided upon
To do:
- Figure out sq/feet of leather needed
- Purchase Leather
- Cut Leather into Pattern
- Punch stitch holes
- Dye
- treat leather to be soft and worked/used feeling.
- Stitch designs
- Put together!
Progress: 0% complete
To Do:
- Measurements
- Determine Pattern for Left/Right arm
- Figure out leather type/weight
- Figure out how much of each type is needed
- Cut Leather to template
- Weave, combine, fit, fix.
Wedding Belt of Horse Medallions
Progress: 5% complete
- Figure out Sizing for primary medallion
- Figure out Patterning for relief
- Purchase non-Sulphurous Clay
To Do:
- Carve relief of Medallion
- Carve relief for intermediary beads
- Make silicon mold
- Cast intermediary bead, test chrome spray. Determine if cold casting or chrome spray yields best results
- Test shoepolish patina
- Once surface has been determined, make Silicon mold for medallion
- Cast 8 times in resin
Short Buffalo Horn Knives:
Progress: 0% complete
To Do:
- Design blade
- Print Pattern
- Carve Blades from wood
- weight with lead fishing weights
- Carve hilt from wood
- Sculpt handles in clay
- Combine
- Coat blade in resin
- Sand to finish/smoothness
- Make Silicon Mold
- Cast in resin, twice
- Paint
- Clear Coat
Progress: 0% complete
To do:
- Figure out how much hide is needed, what the wedding version is made of/how its composed
- Purchase necessary supplies
- cut, figure out how to wear
- Cut strips, attach feathers
Progress: 0% complete
To Do:
- Figure out design
- Determine Wood to use
- Purchase Wood
- Cut to shape, glue together
- Shape blade
- Imbed blade with fishing weights.
- Carve hilt in clay
- Fit blade to Hilt
- Make Silicone Mold for Hilt (2-part)
- Cast Hilt in Dyed Resin,
- Set hilt into blade
- Coat blade with resin
- Sand blade smooth
- Paint Arakh
- Weather
- Finishing touches
Hair/Beard Beads / Extras.
Progress: 0% complete
To Do:
- Figure out list.
Hi and welcome.
This sounds like an awesome project.
I'm not sure what we can do to help with creating the outfit but to learn Dothraki this is certainly the place to be. Some of the things you have on your wish to learn list is already known but a lot of it we have no idea about. Fortunately we have very good contact with the creator of the language (he attends regular IRC chats with us) so if there are phrases that is needed I'm sure he can come up with something that fits.
--- Quote from: ingsve on June 10, 2011, 02:53:19 pm ---Hi and welcome.
This sounds like an awesome project.
I'm not sure what we can do to help with creating the outfit but to learn Dothraki this is certainly the place to be. Some of the things you have on your wish to learn list is already known but a lot of it we have no idea about. Fortunately we have very good contact with the creator of the language (he attends regular IRC chats with us) so if there are phrases that is needed I'm sure he can come up with something that fits.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the welcome :)
I hope its cool if I chronicle it all here ... general discussion seemed like the best part. Hopefully if I do things right i'll also channel some traffic here and possibly get others to learn the language :)
I'll hop in the IRC sometime soon - is there a regular time to join?
The list is simply preliminary at this point ... over the weekend when I have some more time I'll be updating it. I also plan on recording myself saying the stuff to make sure that my pronunciation is correct. Hopefully the result will be a couple sound files that can be attached to some of the words in the wiki? I dunno.
--- Quote from: Skxawng on June 10, 2011, 04:36:58 pm ---
--- Quote from: ingsve on June 10, 2011, 02:53:19 pm ---Hi and welcome.
This sounds like an awesome project.
I'm not sure what we can do to help with creating the outfit but to learn Dothraki this is certainly the place to be. Some of the things you have on your wish to learn list is already known but a lot of it we have no idea about. Fortunately we have very good contact with the creator of the language (he attends regular IRC chats with us) so if there are phrases that is needed I'm sure he can come up with something that fits.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the welcome :)
I hope its cool if I chronicle it all here ... general discussion seemed like the best part. Hopefully if I do things right i'll also channel some traffic here and possibly get others to learn the language :)
I'll hop in the IRC sometime soon - is there a regular time to join?
The list is simply preliminary at this point ... over the weekend when I have some more time I'll be updating it. I also plan on recording myself saying the stuff to make sure that my pronunciation is correct. Hopefully the result will be a couple sound files that can be attached to some of the words in the wiki? I dunno.
--- End quote ---
Well, there are usually a couple people in the IRC at any given time. The creator David Peterson usually shows up some sundays at 1 pm PDT/9 pm BST/10 pm CEST. Next time will be this coming sunday.
First update!
I converted my dining room into a studio, and it is super exciting. I went out also and bought a few basic art supplies a few days ago and sat down to figure out a few things. First and foremost, I needed to figure out how much leather was necessary. So I began to make a template, estimating sizes based on ratio.
The cardboard template:
And fitted on me:
Clearly I need to bulk in the pecs a bit more, and start tanning - good thing that the weather is warmer!.
Anyway after figuring out how the bracers are going to work, I managed to figure out general square footage, aand yesterday I hit up a nearby Tandy Leather outfit. I can't wait to get home to it tonight and start cutting up the pieces:
Finally I also bought some basswood and laminated birch plywood to experiment with for developing the knives. Initially I had thought to construct it with wood, then coat with resin for a smooth finish, but I think at this point this will be a template for a resin cast - that way I can weight it evenly when I cast, as well as utilize clay/bondo/epoxy/polyurethane to make a super smooth surface.
Tonight after I hit the gym I'll be experimenting with leather and leatherworking for the first time. I'm psyched.
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