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Messages - Khal_Qana

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General Discussion / Re: Havazhyol save!
« on: September 05, 2017, 02:23:53 pm »
M'ath Zhey Havazhyol!

Ei yeni nem addriva, okeo kishi! Everything's been relatively quiet for the past few years. Projects have been proposed and dropped, but nothing big has been completed for a while.  At one point there was a lot of work being put into translating the Old Testament and making an atlas of the Dothraki people, but it seems as though they haven't been seriously worked on in a year or so.  Oh well! The community seems to still be here, just not a lot of activity.

That's about it so far.

I haven't seen anything about french dictionaries since your leave

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Bible Translation
« on: July 23, 2017, 10:14:23 am »
I'm going to have to apologize.

Due to the high volume of projects I laid upon myself, I'm going to have to stop peer editing this bible for the time being. Your work on this was fantastic, and most of this editing was correcting small spelling mistakes and double checking your vocabulary was consistent, but I'll have to put it down until I have everything in order.

Best of luck

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Atlas of the Dothraki
« on: July 19, 2017, 05:51:39 pm »
Wow I've been gone for far too long, and I'm not sure I can make many promises in being able to keep up often with the vast array of back projects I need to do before getting back to this one.  However, I'm certainly not going to be leaving the community and will one day be regularly active again. I just don't know when that will be.

In the mean time, I will just be reporting that I have added Reuben22's calendar and birth sign system to Atlas Dothraki. Please read through it all, it was as fascinating as it was in depth and I applaud the effort put into it.

Until the next time I can post, Hajas!

Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise.  The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Astrology
« on: July 19, 2017, 05:37:27 pm »
San athchomari shafkea, zhey Reuben!

This is a fantastic calendar/astrology system and quite honestly it puts my work to shame. I think that what you've done is far superior to my Chinese zodiac rip off  :D, and I would love to replace what I have with your system in the Atlas Dothraki.  As long as I have your permission to do so, of course!

Also, would you be interested in helping me compile and write some of the information in the Atlas Dothraki? I am absolutely swamped in other Dothraki projects, language projects, art projects, and book projects as well as getting ready to move into my dorm for my freshman year of college. I haven't had any time to go onto the forums, let alone work on this atlas.

I'll send you a PM too

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: June 06, 2017, 11:09:32 am »
San athchomari shafkea, zhey Hoeri. Timvir ohazhoe m'athdavrazaroon, m'Athvilajerari allayafa anna ajjin!

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: June 06, 2017, 11:02:05 am »
No fair! Hoeri gets two stickied threads and I get none?! A plague upon your house, Hrakkar!  ;)

No, but in all seriousness I think that this will be good enough to publish if we keep working on it. It certainly has the same novelty factor as the projects made by the Klingon and Na'vi community!

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Bible Translation
« on: May 19, 2017, 02:57:36 am »
I'm well rested from the editing (and working) I did yesterday, and now I have a whole morning and afternoon to take a crack at peer editing the chapters of Genesis you have so far. 

edit: I've been reading through your work on Genesis and I have to say your grammar is near perfect from what I can tell.  The only problems that I found were in a few points of grammatical structure.

1) when saying that someone has said something, ki is used to signify who the phrase is being spoken by.  However, the order of the words seems to be left unclear by DJP.  On the wiki page about verb conjugation, the example "Drogo ast ki '...'" is used, but in the short story Dorvi Zirome, DJP puts the order as "ast Dorvi ki '...'".  I changed it to the latter when editing.

2) The use of mra qora as a verb rather than a idiomatic phrase is a problem that I too had up until a couple weeks ago. Turns out, the structure goes; (possessor) possessed mra qora(aan/oon), with the possessor being optional if context permits.  That's just another thing to look out for.

back to editing!

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: May 18, 2017, 07:26:42 pm »
Ah. Alright.

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: May 18, 2017, 12:51:10 pm »
I had a lot of fun editing this passage. It was both a huge exercise in understanding vocabulary and what an informative speech would look like in Dothraki. Shafka davrae, zhey Hoerivhazhof!


Athvilajerar olda khalasar k'athvezhvenari. Me olda m’atthirar m'athdrivar. Me os che ha atthirozaraan che ha athohhararaan, majin vinesoras mae om’atharanaroon. Majin vitiheri jin mek davrakh zana, addavras vitiherikh vakkeleni majin anesoe fini nem zigeree yer shafka anajahi. Mori mek: ma Os, Asavva, Gache, Akkelenak ma Athniqar.  Akkeleni athhajar yeri shafki she mr’atheizar ma (vavveni)* mora athhajaraan dozgi.

Os olda athfiezar vi yanqosor ma khaloon. Ovvethikh mae’th vena (yeri shafki mori asili yera shafka)** ma m'atthirar m'athdrivar vo voldi mora akkate yomme athzhowakaroon.

Asavva olda m'ajjalanikh  m'asshekhikh, me athfishar m'athafazhar, m‘ kashe ma athchilar vigillosoreri[seasons].

Gache olda athhezhahar ma yatha ma zoha, me hezhaha ma qisie, me ovaha ma thifa; ma Gach fini ray nem jaz ma Gach disa, me zhowaka ma sandie.

Akkelenak olda m'athvillar ma shillikh, m'atherinar, m'atherokhar, m'athniqezar. (Akkelenak ma villa ma nem shilla ma erina ma erokhae ma niqa.)  (a good translation also)

Athniqar olda m'athkelenar mra lajasaraan ki saccheyi jila, m'athkelenar mra khasaraan, m'athzanar osaan fin (nem?) fichi (ki?) athzigerezar(i?) lajasaraan meshes, m'athjavrathar mra athziradakhezaraan masi.

Ei ko ray char jin mek davrakh. Kosi fin shila mora anajaha sekosshi; kosi fin vo shila mora anajaha vosecchi. Majin m'akkeleni m'avveni athhajar yeri shafki she athhajaroon dozgi m‘akkeleni fin ahajana. Qafi: fini khali Os mra qora? Fini oakah mra qora? Finaan adavrani m'Asavvasaan ma Gachaan? Fini khali Athniqar mra qora fini avezhvenana? Lajasar fini ahajana? Ma khasar ma lajaki fini ray lajish k'athadavrani? Fin m'azha lajasaraan qorasokh m'annitha  k'athazanani? ki jini vitiherikhi, anha laz assik ma fin anajaha ma fin vohara.

Ko fin charoe assokhaan anni m'addavrae mae anajaha sekosshi: aqqisi mae! Ko fin ma vo charoe assokhaan anni ma vo addavrae mae, hazak vohara: eqorasa mae! Addavras assokh anni ma foni davrakh fini koala avijazeri athmelisozaroon vo nem tiha meshafka vo tihi. Esinaso (ostirge)*** (kash mra qora davrakh m'athmelisozar allayafi)****.

Athvilajerar vena Os qosarvenikhi. Majin, Hash yer shafka laz ildi, hash attihi meshafka vo laz ildi; hash yer shafka nithie, attihi meshafka vo nithio; hash yer shafka qisi, attihi meshafka hezhahi; hash shafka hezhahi, attihi meshafka qisi. Annithili dozge shafki ki ma davrakhoon ido. Iddo athekelenazar ma atthasi mae kash me navvirzethaya. Hash me samvena, hash hethki moon. Hash me ahajana, hash zajja lajat mae. Hash me safejasa, hash zireyese mae. Hash me choma, hash annithili mae esittesalat. Hash mae athdisizar mra qora, ahhaqi mae. Hash lajasar nem yanqo, sachi mae. Ildi finne me ehethkae, e finne me vo zala ezat shafka. Ki jini (ostirgi)*** shafka anajahi, majin vos azhi dozgaan nesat mae.

Fin vitihera san mra (okre hatif ta vilajer)***** anajaha. Fin vitihera zolle mra okre vohara. San athvitiherari azh najahhey; loy athvitiherari azh vo najahhey; fin sanneya k’athamelanazari vos athvitiherar? Anha vitiherak aranikh kijinosi majin anha assik ma fin anajaha ma fin vohara sekosshi.

Green text means words or grammar that were added to the text.
A strike through means words or grammar that were removed from the text.
(a parenthesis and asterisk means)* a word or phrase was unknown or unclear.
Orange text means a word or phrase could be removed from the text.

*What is the meaning of the word "vavvenat"?
**I was unable to find meaning from "shafki mori asili shafka".
***What is the meaning of the word "ostirge"?
****I was unable to find meaning from "kash mra qora davrakh m'athmelisozar allayafi".
*****I was unable to find meaning from "mra okre ta vilajer".

Throughout the whole passage, your main problems were:
  • Not using formal pronouns or commands
  • An infectious ma appearing after many verbs when they weren't supposed to be there

Other than those two points you did a fantastic job and I can't wait to go onto editing your translation of Genesis 1:1-3:24


Here's a cleaned up version of the passage


Athvilajerar olda khalasar k'athvezhvenari. Me olda atthirar m'athdrivar. Me os ha atthirozaraan che ha athohhararaan, majin vinesoras mae om’atharanaroon. Majin vitiheri jin mek davrakh zana, addavras vitiherikh vakkeleni majin anesoe fini nem zigeree shafka anajahi. Mori mek: Os, Asavva, Gache, Akkelenak ma Athniqar.  Akkeleni athhajar shafki mr’atheizar ma vavveni mora athhajaraan dozgi.

Os olda athfiezar vi yanqosor ma khaloon. Ovvethikh mae’th vena shafki mori asili shafka ma m'atthirar m'athdrivar vo voldi mora akkate yomme athzhowakaroon.

Asavva ajjalanikh m’asshekhikh, me athfishar m'athafazhar, m‘athchilar vigillosoreri.

Gache ma yatha ma zoha, me hezhaha ma qisie, me ovaha ma thifa; Gach fini nem jaz ma Gach disa, me zhowaka ma sandi e.

Akkelenak olda m'athvillar ma shillikh, m'atherinar, m'atherokhar, m'athniqezar.

Athniqar olda m'athkelenar mra lajasaraan ki saccheyi jila, m'athkelenar mra khasaraan, m'athzanar osaan fin nem fichi k’athzigerezari lajasaraan meshes, m'athjavrathar mra athziradakhezaraan masi.

Ei ko ray char jin mek davrakh. Kosi fin shila mora anajaha sekosshi; kosi fin vo shila mora anajaha vosecchi. Majin akkeleni m'avveni athhajar shafki she athhajaroon dozgi m‘akkeleni fin ahajana. Qafi: fini khali Os mra qora? Fini oakah mra qora? Fin adavrani Asavvasaan ma Gachaan? Fini khali Athniqar mra qora? Lajasar fini ahajana? Ma khasar ma lajaki fini ray lajish k'athadavrani? Fin azha lajasaraan qorasokh m’annitha k’athazanani? ki jini vitiherikhi, anha laz assik fin anajaha ma fin vohara.

Ko fin charoe assokhaan anni anajaha sekosshi: aqqisi mae! Ko fin vo charoe assokhaan anni, hazak vohara: eqorasa mae! Addavras assokh anni ma foni davrakh fini koala avijazeri athmelisozaroon meshafka vo tihi. Esinaso ostirge kash mra qora davrakh m'athmelisozar allayafi.

Athvilajerar vena Os qosarvenikhi. Majin, Hash shafka laz ildi, hash attihi meshafka vo laz ildi; hash shafka nithie, attihi meshafka vo nithio; hash shafka qisi, attihi meshafka hezhahi; hash shafka hezhahi, attihi meshafka qisi. Annithili dozge shafki ma davrakhoon ido. Iddo athekelenazar ma atthasi mae kash me navvirzethaya. Hash me samvena, hash hethki moon. Hash me ahajana, hash zajja lajat mae. Hash me safejasa, hash zireyese mae. Hash me choma, hash annithili mae esittesalat. Hash mae athdisizar mra qora, ahhaqi mae. Hash lajasar nem yanqo, sachi mae. Ildi finne me ehethkae, e finne me vo zala ezat shafka. Ki jini ostirgi shafka anajahi, majin vos azhi dozgaan nesat mae.

Fin vitihera san mra okre hatif ta vilajer anajaha. Fin vitihera zolle mra okre vohara. San athvitiherari azh najahhey; loy athvitiherari azh vo najahhey; fin sanneya k’athamelanazari vos athvitiherar? Anha vitiherak aranikh kijinosi majin anha assik fin anajaha ma fin vohara sekosshi.

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:54:00 am »

School is done and I've got four or so projects that have been on stand by for almost two months now, so I best get going on those before the procrastination goblin hits me over the head again.

I'll peer edit the Art of War and Bible translations today, and work on Atlas Dothraki for the next week.

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Art of War Dothraki Translation
« on: April 15, 2017, 02:34:02 pm »
Wowzers, don't this just look mighty complicated!  Some time in the coming weeks when I have the chance, I'll make sure to go through and peer edit this. Reading through this briefly, I see you took some liberties with the meanings of verbs in order to be a little more . . . philosophical, perhaps?  I loved the way you used 'oldat' to sort of mean 'give'.  I sort of interpret meaning something like 'intentionally making sure wisdom and cunning is absorbed through experience'. Truly fascinating work!

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Bible Translation
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:56:02 am »
Haz mela sekke  :-\. Anha vo maril hoyal che as ha jalanaan (atak ishish!). Qisi Anha vannakhok skooles anni m'anha laz vejervak loy shiqethi ha vorsasoon

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Bible Translation
« on: April 08, 2017, 11:26:44 am »
How has the translation been coming along? I know that both of us have not been too active on the forum for the past month or so.

Sorry, I don't think that there are any Valyrian speakers on this forum anymore.  I wish I could help more!

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Dothraki Bible Translation
« on: March 02, 2017, 07:55:37 am »
Gen 7:11 fountain, spring (a place where water emerges from the ground)

I think a new root word has to be made for this.  The first thing I thought of was geyser, and the origin of geyser can be traced all the way to the PIE prefix /gheu(s)-/.  Since Dothraki is heavily inspired by Indo European languages (DJP's biggest inspirations coming from Russian and Spanish), I think a good side project would be to add new Dothraki roots for the ones it doesn't share from PIE. We'd have to contact DJP about it, but I think it would be a good idea to add more base words.

I propose this root should be the basis for gush, pour, erupt, ejaculate, flow and explode.

I'm going to be pulling these root words out of my ass, but here are a few suggested roots that I thought could be plausible sounding:
-kayo (I like this one the best)

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