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Messages - Dinok

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Valyrian site?
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:25:59 pm »
tyrionGreyjoy: While we don't have any official material from David, he gives a lot of hints to us through his comments, and we've made some considerable progress in at least understanding what we have of the language. Of course there is still a long way to go, but if you really want to try and figure it out, come over at Mad Latinist's livejournal: he always writes a new post when a new piece of Valyrian is released and we help him analyse it to better understand it, piece by piece. It is, afaik, the only place on the web where someone is posting their attempts to learn Valyrian (both Astapori and High), we would be glad if you joined us! :)

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