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Messages - Memziri

Pages: [1]
I'm hosting weekly GoT viewings for some friends every Monday at my house. Anyone else in the SFbay area interested in coming to watch GoT episodes as they come out?! Send me a PM =D

So... if any of you local conlangers come, we can rewatch the scenes that feature Dothraki and practice the lines at each other. Soon enough we'll be constructing sentences and translating Shakespeare into Dothraki.... right?

We've had a couple of SFBay meetups in the past, so some of us have been already been acquainted in our blue dreams. I would love to meet any of you with the greensight if chance would have it you're in riding distance. Maybe once a month, we can make it a dinner party and cook a Westerosi dish together, like these people: and and (official HBO GOT lemon cakes wow!) .... A LITTLE BIRD CAN DREAM, RIGHT?


Monday, May 16 at 3pm - Memziri's house - Watch GoT episode 5.
Confirmed attendees: me, m, g, f
Maybe: j2, m2, c, lemon cakes?


Mon, May 23: GoT episode 6
Mon, May 30: GoT episode 7


HBO: Game of Thrones / Re: Dothraki dialogue from the TV series.
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:11:45 am »
Awesome. Thank you. I'm so glad you're doing this. I was looking about for this just the other day.

Shall we put it on the wiki, too, once things get proofread and pinned down, for a more "permanent" place than a forum with moving/bumped posts?

A Song of Ice and Fire / Re: A Dance with Dragons is really done!
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:10:30 am »
Finally, I demand more Fat Belwas.


I can't believe it's actually been 11 years since we heard from the Daenerys storyline.

Oh my Eywa, I hadn't thought of it that way. That's insane. arrrrghghghghhhhh!!!!

Introductions / Re: Hello I'm Ingsve
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:19:05 pm »
Do you still play the CCG? I've only read about it. What drew you to the asoiaf CCG (LCG, for "living card game", as the publishers were trying to style it for a while?) over other CCGs? I'm only curious about the asoiaf CCG because I loved the books so much. The only other CCG I've ever played for any length of time is the WoW TCG (and the WoW minis, for a short while). I'm around Magic (I work at a game store) but don't play it myself.

What about the game of thrones roleplaying game?? Again, I've only read about it (and have even less experience with tabletop rpg than I do with CCGs) ... =)

Introductions / Re: M’ath
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:14:46 pm »
I uttered blasphemous words! How embarrassing!!! O_O !!!

Safe travels! =D

Hullo hrakka! Time for the guessing to begin...

Edit: Never mind, I found the lion! =D

General Discussion / Re: Issue with posting
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:37:40 pm »
Dothraki name

As soon as there's a (public, announced) word for "fish."

zhaqe:[ZaqE]DP n.bassfish 

eh?????????????????????????????????????????????? Was this word created specifically for you?!

I'm just a tuna swimming in your wake, o great one! =D

A Song of Ice and Fire / A Dance with Dragons is really done!
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:33:53 pm »
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Rejoice, friends, for the July 12 2011 release date WILL be honored!!

Are you guys pre-ordering it or going to any midnight releases or anything? I love books, but paper is heavy, and it costs $ to ship it, and person-hours later on when you move... so I'm seriously considering going all ebooks on this oqet. Kindle, I suppose, but I'm not sure yet.

Introductions / Re: M’ath
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:56:52 pm »
Hi Verak. I think I know you from another life, too. I need a name...

How do you like the series so far?

By way of introduction: My name is Judy. I loved the books, have loved them for years. Got bitten by the conlang bug after being wholly captivated by floating atokirina' in a 3d movie theater. So now I am here.

Mipa kifkey! I can't wait to meet the rest of you... familiar text-signatures with unfamiliar names, and new faces =D

Look up to the top, zhey Judi, there's a name.  ;)

I haven't started reading yet and I don't have HBO, so I'm still in the dark on the "story" front.  :'(

Then there shall be a viewing party. I would be happy to host.

To hijack: I'm thinking of naming myself Memziri ... memzir is a bird call/tweet, and -i is diminutive; so: little chirp? hahaha...

You are a traveler: may your feet ever tread lightly upon beds of moss. Green soft happy moss. =D

Introductions / Re: M’ath
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:26:56 pm »
Hi Verak. I think I know you from another life, too. I need a name...

How do you like the series so far?

By way of introduction: My name is Judy. I loved the books, have loved them for years. Got bitten by the conlang bug after being wholly captivated by floating atokirina' in a 3d movie theater. So now I am here.

Mipa kifkey! I can't wait to meet the rest of you... familiar text-signatures with unfamiliar names, and new faces =D

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