Learn Dothraki > Beginners
Dothraki "h"?
The Dothraki phonology page on the wiki (http://wiki.dothraki.org/dothraki/Phonology) says the "h" sound is uvular. But the "h" in the show doesn't sound uvular (in, for example, "Hash shafka zali addrivat mae, zhey Khaleesi?" "Do you want to kill him, Khaleesi?"). Is the actor wrong, or does the wiki have the "h" in the wrong column?
Here's the clip with the quote - it's at about 2:23: The Dothraki Language - Episode 3 of Game of Thrones
Any insight is appreciate. Thanks!
I wouldn't rely on what the actors are saying. They tend to do a lot of mistakes here and there. For example most of the time they pronounce /kh/ as a simply /k/, they tend to devoice a lot of consonants etc.
You can listen to this video from the conlang relay at the Language Creation Conference to hear David Peterson read a text in dothraki. His pronounciations should probably be more accurate.
Jump to around 14:50 into the video for the start.
I don't hear any uvular fricatives (btw, if anyone's wondering what uvular fricatives sound like, most varieties of French pronounce "r" as either a uvular fricative or a uvular trill). I do hear what sounds like a glottal "h".
--- Quote from: Tracy on May 18, 2011, 06:30:05 pm ---I don't hear any uvular fricatives (btw, if anyone's wondering what uvular fricatives sound like, most varieties of French pronounce "r" as either a uvular fricative or a uvular trill). I do hear what sounds like a glottal "h".
--- End quote ---
It might be a mistake then. Lajaki is the one that knows more about the phonology.
Edit: Looking at the pronounciation video that Lajaki made it seems he lists the /h/ as glottal there so it probably is a mistake in the wiki.
Thanks for checking - I appreciate it. I'll update the AT article to make it clear the "h" is glottal.
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