Learn Dothraki > Beginners

The Grammar

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So, when do we get it?

We are figuring out the grammar bit by bit through conversations with the creator of the language David Peterson. If you look through the wiki (wiki.dothraki.org) you'll find summaries of what we know so far about the grammar.

Sure, but isn't there going to be an official publication? Any idea when that is due?


--- Quote from: isil on April 28, 2011, 08:16:44 am ---Sure, but isn't there going to be an official publication? Any idea when that is due?

--- End quote ---

There are no real plans in the works as far as I know but there might be if interest is high for it. There was some mixed responses from fans of the books regarding the Dothraki posts on the making of game of thrones blog it seems. Some people see conlangs as a bit too geeky even for them but we'll see what happens when there is more Dothraki spoken in the show itself. HBO owns the rights to the language but David Peterson is still able to provide steady info and if HBO won't do anything themselves then perhaps they'll let David do even more himself with it.


I'm glad I got the chance to tell that prissy douchebag Matthew to graddakh off.


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