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Messages - Najahho

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
Beginners / Re: Translating my signature (corrections please)
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:43:42 pm »
I thought of using "strong" but couldn't find the noun, how do you make a noun from an adjective? Kind of like "strong-ness" XD

Also, how is it that "hajolat" ends up being "hajas!" in the expression.

Beginners / Translating my signature (corrections please)
« on: March 20, 2012, 08:07:35 pm »
I wanted to roughly translate my signature.

It should be "Strength will always drive/guide me". Since I didn't find "strength" I opted for "Victory will always guide me", words that appear in the dictionary. However the verb paradigms seem a little confusing, although I know we have the -lat and -at paradigms. From what I get I finally got: "Najaheya vidrie anna ayyey".

Is this correct? What's wrong with it?

Edit: I edited the position of the adverb which is commonly at the end of the sentence.

Announcements / Re: IRC chats among ourselves
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:32:37 pm »
Where do you all hang to chat?

On the IRC.

And the page or something?

Announcements / Re: IRC chats among ourselves
« on: March 20, 2012, 01:11:25 pm »
Where do you all hang to chat?

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Things learnt from Twitter
« on: November 22, 2011, 02:56:10 pm »
Then it was mispronounced in the series? Because I remember they just pronounced a long 'e'

Yes, that's one of the things they got consistently wrong on the show. The same with the suffixes -oon and -aan as well most of the time. Those are also pronounced as two separate o's or a's.

Oh, great! Then it's so easy =)

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Things learnt from Twitter
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:18:28 pm »
I posted it in the wrong topic.

From David's Twitter:
"Slaver" is "azzafrok"; slave is just "zafra".

And about why the double vowels are pronounced as 2 separeted vowels and not as a long one:

It's the same in Spanish. Spanish "creer" > Latin "credere" ("to believe", NdR). The "d" was lost.
Dothraki "khaleesi" > P.P. "khaleɣesi".
Dothraki "qazeroon" > P.P. "qazeroɣon".

So, it seems that the "ɣ" simply dropped, leaving the e-e/o-o pronounciation :)

Then it was mispronounced in the series? Because I remember they just pronounced a long 'e'

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Javrathat
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:31:20 pm »
Nah, why should you include "(in a controlling-a-horse sense)", I think the expression stands for itself. The proof that is understandable is that the translation also used "to rein". I don't think you should add that to it, it's an expression and goes to show a little glimpse of the mind of its speakers.

A Song of Ice and Fire / Re: Valyrian
« on: November 15, 2011, 07:04:41 pm »
Now that the cats' out of the bag, you will have to share it with us!  ;)

You may also consider joining the Language Creation Society, where you will get two domains for hosting your language projects.

Hehe, well thank you very much for your show of faith in advance. I've coined one or two words I particularly liked in my version of Valyrian.

I do visit the LCS site and groups, I'm not a member myself on account of the distance, wouldn't be able to take advantage of my membership. But I do have one or two blogs myself about different languages I'm creating.

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: Javrathat
« on: November 15, 2011, 07:00:16 pm »
No doubts a crafty expression. I like the sound to it... I also like this other word "athdavrazar" I think... I'm just saying it as I remember... I like it a lot, a nice Russian touch in the sound of it, I think it means "better" or "best" and "dobriye" is "good" in Russian, a nice lift.

Introductions / Re: Similarity to existing languages
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:33:00 pm »
It's the trilled r that reminds me of Afrikaans. Not Spanish, I don't know why, maybe because Spanish is pronounced so quickly and Dothraki at slower pace. 
You're right that Arabic is similar to Dothraki only at first sight. I think that Dothraki lacks the ugly ;D gluttural sounds present in Arabic and there are certainly no triliteral roots.

You should remember the Spanish-speaking countries motto: Ours Is The Trilled R  ;)

A Song of Ice and Fire / Re: Valyrian
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:29:47 pm »
I have toyed with creating a Valyrian language, fleshed out a sketch of its grammar

HBO: Game of Thrones / Re: Momoa worked hard on Dothraki
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:31:45 pm »
A job really well done!

A Song of Ice and Fire / Re: Valyrian
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:06:43 pm »
A very interesting topic indeed. I have myself often wondered what Valyrian could be like and even drawn one or two ideas about the language. As you say it is most interesting for conlangers. I do believe they will try to fit Valyrian into the whole project, as it appears in the subsequent books, I think they couldn't get a better conlanger for the job. David Peterson's work on Dothraki was awesome I hope they commission Valyrian also.

But it'd be interesting to know more about Valyrian. I've always pictured it as semi-Britano-romanic in sounds and names, and with something of its own spin in it.

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