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Topics - Nhizo

Pages: [1]
Beginners / The verb "elat" and its conjugation
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:18:53 am »
Hey guys,
How do I conjugate "elat"? Like the other -lat verbs or are there any irregularities?

Announcements / Dothraki - czech dictionary
« on: October 12, 2013, 04:43:18 am »
Hey guys,
there have been some vocabulary translations emerging, weren't they?  :) So I translated the dictionary into Czech. Of course it's not perfect and I'll be happy to get any feedback on it, be it positive or negative. Here it goes, I hope it helps 8)

Beginners / Word for "to have (got)"
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:43:47 am »
Hi, I just wanted to ask how do I express ownership of something, kinda like "I've got a beautiful wife" or "Have you got any food?" I can't find it anywhere. Is there any way to do it? Thanks for replies

Beginners / Pronoun fin related to object and meaning "which"
« on: August 15, 2013, 09:45:22 am »
Hi there
Recently, I've been trying to figure out the way the questions work in dothraki. It's clear for the yes/no questions, but those with the interrogative pronoun fin related to object are a bit problematic. For example the sentence "What do you see?" Since the verb tihat is transitive, I suppose that the pronoun will be in accusative case and will be using the inanimate form (for we expect the guy to see a thing, not a person) so something lake "finis". And now the word order. In the wiki it says that the word order can be OSV when the pronoun question words denotes the object, so I guess it comes at the very beginning of the sentence. Also the result would be something like "Finis yer tihi?" Is that right?

And another problem. According to the wiki, the word "fin" can also mean "which". Does it then declinate as the noun it specificates does? I mean, if I ask "which rabbit did he eat," would that be "Finis mawizze ma addakh" or just "Fin mawizze blah blah" ? (I presume the OSV word order)

The last thing, how do I express "how much" or "how old" or "how far" and stuff like that? Thanks for any help on that :)

Introductions / Hello there :)
« on: August 11, 2013, 06:15:23 am »
Just like probably almost all of you, I'm a GoT fan and I got fascinated by the Dothraki language. I'm generally interrested in learning new languages, be they real or not, and also in helping other people learn them. For this purpose I started a blog about Dothraki in my native language (Czech) where I explain the grammar things and so on. Being no expert yet, I would really appreciate any discussion with you guys or help with the grammar.


Beginners / Expressing "than"
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:28:13 am »
Hi, it's me again,

I just wanted to ask, how do I express the english "than" in dothraki. For example, if I want to say that Drogo is stronger than Ogo. I can say Drogo is stronger, "Drogo ahajana," but I'm not sure how to express the comparing to Ogo.

Beginners / Adjectives and their "negative grade"
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:44:48 am »
M'athchomaroon guys,
I've been learning dothraki for a while but now I've got a problem. It's about the adjectives' negative grade. ( ). In the article it says that, for example, osamva = not broken. So if I want to say that 'arakh is not broken,' do I say 'arakh osamvae' or 'arakh vos samvao'? Is there any semanthical difference between those two sentences?

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