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The Atlas of the Dothraki
Second fable; How our ancestors became the Dothraki. This one is a lot more of a brainstorm, and may interfere with future canonical lore, so I will leave that on the shelf so to speak until Winds of Winter is published (if ever).
How our ancestors became the Dothraki
All men know how to ride a horse, but only the Dothraki need the horse. This is because the horse and the Dothraki share hearts. Long ago, a village of men traded hearts with their horses, using a black knife to cut into their chest and remove their hearts, still beating, from their chests. The heart of the Dothraki is that of a horse, and this makes them stronger and faster than all other men.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
The third and comedic fable of The Butterfly and the Flower. I will expand on it more, but the moral of the story is that strength is better than beauty:
The Butterfly and the Flower
A butterfly and a flower get into an argument about who is prettier. “I have many colors,” says the flower, “and have a good smell. Unlike you, butterfly, who does not smell good.”
“foolish flower,” says the butterfly, “you have no eyes, and cannot see that I too have as many colors as you. And who needs to smell good when you can fly?”
“Well my beauty can be returned to and admired at any time, since I do not move.” Says the flower.
“I can come to you if you wish to see my beauty,” says the butterfly “So there’s no need to walk all the way to you to see your beauty.”
Just then, a Dothraki comes to end the arguing. He crushes the butterfly and eats the flower, for they are both weak.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
I have about 20 other stories to draft, write and translate so there will be updates in the future.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
I have a problem with starting stories, and I think I need a prepositional phrase at the head of a fable to smoothly flow into the story. It needs to be similar to once upon a time, but I don't want to directly translate that phrase. I want to give it a more Dothraki feel to it (more mystic and foreign). I have a few ideas, and input into what you consider the best one is wanted:
From a time
Upon a time
She kashi
From before our time
Hatif kashoon kishi
Within this tale
From when this tale was true
arrekoon jin athastozar tawakoon
An example sentence:
Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs.
"Kashoon, sen qifi thirish."
"She kashi, sen qifi thirish."
"Hatif kashoon kishi, sen qifi thirish."
"Mr'athastozar, sen qifi thira."* / "Mr'athastozar, sen qifi."**
"Arrekoon jin athastozar tawakoon, sen qifi thirish."
*Since the prepositional phrase admits that this is a story and was never true, the following sentence can be set in the present tense.
**When thinking about it, the sentence could be zero copula, but I think that there isn't enough information present to let the reader know what's going on. When I look at the sentence, I see: "Within this story, three little pigs.", but that could just be my English speaking mind overriding my understanding of the zero copula.
Let me know what you think of all this.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
Fourth story, Lajak Gorje ma zhavvorsa, is an adaptation of the famous Saint George and the Dragon. I'm fairly certain this story is in public domain, so no worrying about copyright violation ;)
Lajak Gorje and the dragon
Once upon a time, there was a town on the edge of the Valyrian empire. This town had a small lake with a plague-bearing Dragon living in it and poisoning the countryside. To appease the dragon, the town’s people fed it two horses every day. When they ran out of horses, they started feeding it their children, chosen by omen. One time, the khal's daughter was chosen to be eaten. The khal, in his grief, told the people they could have all his gold and silver and half of his kingdom if his daughter were spared, but the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, dressed as a bride, to be fed to the dragon. However, Lajak Gorje, a brave Dothraki, rode past the lake and saw the princess. The princess tried to send him away, but he vowed to remain. The dragon emerged from the lake while they were conversing, huge and hideous. Lajak Gorje charged it on horseback, seriously wounding it with his arakh. He then called to the princess to throw him her belt, and he put it around the dragon's neck. When he did so, the dragon followed Lajak Gorje like a meek beast on a leash. The princess and Lajak Gorje led the dragon back to the city, where it terrified the Valyrian people. Gorje then killed the dragon, and the body was carted out of the city on four carts. As a reward, Lajak Gorje was given the princess, and they rode off together to build their own khalasar. The khal built a temple to the Great Stallion and Lajak Gorje on the site where the dragon died, and a spring flowed from the lake with water that cured all disease.
Lajak Gorje ma zhavvorsa
[She kashi], Vaes vekhoon she Valiraki khalasar tith. Rek vaes mra qoroon toraza naqis ma zhavvorsoon athzhikhar thir mra mae ma izza rhaeshes. Allayafat zhavvorse, voji vaesi azhish zhavvorsaan atak hrazef assekh ei. Kash mori vo mra qora vosi hrazef, mori azhish maan yallisi mori; mori okkish yalli ki assikhqoyi. At kashi, assikhqoyi okke khalakkies ha zhavvorsaan adakhat. Khal vaesi, mra athkhezhar mae, asto vojaan ma ast mori laz mra qora mas mae ei ma ohara mae, hash mori vijazerosh oharaes mae; Mori zajjish. Khalakki dothra torazaan, onde vos, majin zhavvorsa laz adakh mae. Vosma, Lajak Gorje, Dothraki haj, dothra torazasi ma tih khalakkies. Khalakki kis asso mae esemrasalat, vosma me akkelen vikovarerat. Zhavvorsa yatho torazasoon kash mori vaster, me zhokwa ma vo lain. Lajak Gorje gor mae, ild zhavvorse ma arakhoon mae. Me asso khalakkies azhat maan im mae, ma me liwa mae oleth me torga lenti zhavvorsa. Kash me et haz, zhavvorsa sille Lajak Gorje ven aresak. Khalakki ma Lajak Gorje fichish zhavvorse vaesaan, ma jin rokh vojis. Gorje drozh zhavvorse, ma dozgikh losh mra vaesoon ki tor rhaggati. Voji azhish Lajak Gorjaan khalakkies m'athchomaroon, ma mori dothrash niyanqoy movelat khalasares mori. Khal vaesi move vojjor ha Hrazef vezhvenaan ma Lajak Gorjaan she gach rekkoon zhavvorsa drivo, ma ashefa vitha ha torazasoon ma evethoon melaz kolae athzhikhar ei.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
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