The World of Westeros > HBO: Game of Thrones
Dothraki dialogue from the TV series.
This thread is ment to be a collection of all dialogue from the show. Things in [brackets] are added by me when a word is left out by the actor that should have been there for the sentence to make sense gramatically or stylistically or just when making an editorial comment within a sentence. Since most of this will at least initially be based on guesses of the transcription I will put all guesses in (parenthesis) until the actual dialogue can be confirmed.
Episode 1
The first dothraki we hear is spoken by Illyrio Mopatis when Dany and Viserys are first introduced to Khal Drogo.
-Illyrio: Athchomar chomakaan, [zhey] khal vezhven. Respect to one that is respectful, great khal.
Next he says a longer sentence that starts with:
-Illyrio: Azha anhaan asshilat... The whole sentence is a translation of what he had just said in english which was:
May I present my honored guests, Viserys of house Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful king of the Andals and the First Men. And his sister, Daenerys of house Targaryen.
During the Dothraki wedding Khal Drogo says something as well:
-Drogo: (iteo akkah) XXX Noone knows what this line is.
-Drogo: Jadi, zhey Jorah Andahli Come, Jorah the Andal.
-Jorah Mormont: Khal vezhven. Great khal.
Episode 2
In the second episode there is only one line of Dothraki. When Drogo comes in to the tent once more to have sex with Daenerys she says:
-Daenerys: Ajjalan anha zalat vitiherat yer hatif Tonight I would look upon your face. The line is not grammatical but that was done intentionally since Daenerys is a novice at this point.
Episode 3
Episode three has a lot of Dothraki. First when the khalasar rides through a willow field a random Dothraki whips a slave and says:
-Random Dothraki: Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. Only while blood of my blood lives..
When the khalasar stops and Daenerys takes off into the willows we hear Ser Jorah say:
-Jorah Mormont: Annakhas dozgosores Stop the horde
When Rakharo has his whip around Viserys neck he says:
-Rakharo: Hash shafka zali addrivat mae, zhey Khaleesi?? Do you want him dead khaleesi?
-Rakharo: Ishish chare acharoe hash me nem ejervae nharesoon. Maybe the ear will listen if it is removed from the head.
-Irri: Khaleesi vos zalo meme nem azisa Khaleesi, does not want him harmed.
-Rakharo: Chiftik Cricket
Next we move to a camp that has been set up.
-Irri: Athjahakar pride, prowess
-Irri: Me azhasavva vezhofoon. It's a blessing from the great stallion.
-Jorah Mormont: It's a good blade for a dothrakaan (for a rider) but a man in full plate, shori tawakof (steel dress)...
-Rakharo: Dothraki vos ondeo shoris tawakofi. Dothraki don't wear steel dresses.
-Rakharo: Vroz? Slow
-Rakharo: Ave anni ezzo anhaan os lajataan. Me ezzo anhaan m'athdikar assie athzhokwazar.) My father taught me how to fight. He taught me that speed defeats size.
-Jorah Mormont: Anha ray char m'ave yeri lajakoon hakeso. I heard that your father was a famous warrior.
-Rakharo: Me dothrakhqoyoon torga Khali Bharbo. He was bloodrider to Khal Bharbo.
-Rakharo: Majin ave yeri Jorah Andahli? Hash me lajakoon akka? And your father, Jorah the Andal? He was a warrior also?
-Irri: Khaleesi zala meme adakha esinakh ajjalan. Ogi loy mawizzi. The khaleesi wants to eat something different tonight. Kill some rabbits.
-Rakharo: Vo mawizzi vekho jinne There are no rabbits.
-Irri: Ezas loy alegri h'anhaan. Mori allayafi mae, jin alegra. Find some ducks for me. She likes ducks.
-Rakharo: Hash yer ray tih loy alegra zhey vikeesi? Vo mawizzi, vo alegri. Hash tihi vekhi she nhare yeroon? Hash tih? Have you seen any ducks, woman? No rabbits, no ducks. Do you have eyes in your head? Do you? The final added expression "Hash tih?" does not make sense. It was added by the production in the belief that it means "Do you?". It instead means something like "Do eyes?"
-Irri: Majin jano. Anha ray tih san jani.Dogs then. I have seen many dogs.
-Rakharo Azhasavva vezhofoon A blessing from the great stallion.
Later Dany and Drogo are in bed talking:
-Daenerys: Me rakh. It's a boy.
-Drogo: Kifinosi yer nesi? How do you know?
-Daenerys: Anha sekke nesa. I very knows. This is another deliberate mistake.
Episode 6
After a couple episodes without any Dothraki dialogue there is again lots in episode 6.
First we have the scene with the horse heart ceremony.
-Crowd: Rakh! Rakh! Rakh haj! A boy! A boy! A strong boy!
-Crone: Khalakka dothrae! The prince rides.
The crone also says: I've heard the thunder of his hoofs. Swift as the win he rides. His enemies will cower before him. And their wives will weap tears of blood. This is very hard to make out however. Hopefully David might be able to help out with this.
-Crone: Vezh fin saja rhaesheseres! The stallion that mounts the world!
-Daenerys: Khalakka dothrae mr'anha A prince rides inside me. There is something fishy about Emilias line read but this is what she is suppose to be saying.
-Daenerys: Ma me nem ahakee ma Rhaego! And he shall be called Rhaego.
Then later at the feast:
-Qotho: Khal rhae mhar. Me ifa. The sore-foot king. He walks.
-Drogo: Nevakhi vekha ha maan. There is a place for you. Lit. A sitting-spot exists for him.
-Irri: Ifak asta meme zala firikhnharen, meme zala rek meme nem jer ki maeā¦che me vesazhae khaleesies The foreigner says that he wants a crown, that he wants that which was traded to him...or he will take back the khaleesi.
-Irri: Me asta meme vos vesazhao khalakkaes. Me asta meme azirissee khalakkaes khaleesisoon ma vannevae mae shafkea. He says that he will not take back the prince. He says that he will cut the prince out of the khaleesi and leave him for you.
-Drogo: Anha vazhak maan rek me zala. I will give to him what he wants.
-Drogo: Anha vazhak maan firikhnharen hoshora ma mahrazhi aqovi affin mori atihi mae. I will give to him a golden crown and men will tremble when they will see it.
-Drogo: Qora mae! Seize him!
-Drogo: Ammeni haz jolin! Empty that pot.
Episode 7
-Drogo: Vezh fin saja rhaesheseres vo zigereo adoroon shiqethi. The stallion that mounts the world has no need for iron chairs.
-Daenerys: K'asi assikhqoyisiri vezh adothrae nakhaan rhaesheseri. According to the prophecy the stallion will ride to the ends of the world.
-Drogo: Sorfosor nakha she Havazzhifi Kazga. Vo hrazef laz yoma evethiz. The earth ends at The Black Salt Sea. No horse can cross the poison water.
-Daenerys: Sorfosor nakho vosecchi [she havazh]. Sani sorfi vekha yomme [havash]. Sorfo athyolari anni. The Earth never ends [at the sea]. There are many dirts across [the sea]. The dirts of my birth.
-Drogo: Vo sorfo. Rhaeshi. Not dirt. Lands
-Daenerys:Rhaeshi, sek. Lands, yes.
-Daenerys: Dalen rhaggat eveth ma ale [vekhi she Vaes Seris]: [Hrazef] ido fini ovethi yomme [havazh]. There are thousands of ships [in the free cities]. Wooden [horses] that fly across [the sea.]
-Drogo: Kisha vastoki vos alikh hrazefi ido m'adori shiqethi Let's speak no more about wooden horses or iron chairs.
-Daenerys: Me vos ador. It's not a chair. It''s...throne.
-Drogo: Throne?
-Daenerys: Ador finaan khal nevasoe...che khaleesi. A chair for a king to sit upon...or a queen.
-Drogo: Khal vos zigereo adoroon anevasoe maan. Me zigeree sojasoon disse. A khal doesn't need a chair to sit on. He only needs a steed.
-Wine Merchant: Virzetha gizikhven! Mra qora! Mra qora! Sweet reds. I have it. I have it.
-Wine Merchant: Virzetha gizikhven! Virzetha gizikhven vekha m'anhoon, Lysoon, Volantisoon, ma Halahisiroon. Sweet reds! I have sweet reds from Lys, Volantis and the Arbor.
-Wine Merchant: Sovikh Tirosh! Jelavena Andahloa. Mra qora! Mra qora! Tyroshi pear brandy. Andhalish sours! I have them! I have them!
-Wine Merchant: Lekhi ha khaleesisaan? M'anhoon vekha virzethi gizkhvena Dornoon, zhey erinak A taste for the khaleesi? I have a sweet red from Dorne, my lady.
-Wine Merchant: At lekhi ma shafka ahakee yal hakesoon anni. One taste and you'll name your first child after me.
-Jorah: Rakharo, azzohi haz khogare. Rakharo, put down that cask.
Later we have Drogos speech:
-Drogo: Zhey jalan atthirari anni. Hash azisi? Moon of my live. Are you hurt?
-Drogo: Jora Andahli, okki zhille hrazef fin allayafa shafka drogikhoon anni. Me shafki. Jorah the Andal, [I heard what you did] choose any horse you wish [from my herd]. It's yours.
-Drogo: Anha asshilak jin azh shafkea haji rekoon et shafka. I make this gift to you for what you did.
-Drogo: Ma rizhaan anni, vezh fin asaja rhaesheseres, maan anha valloshak azh akka. And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I will also pledge a gift.
-Drogo: Maan anha vazhak jin ador shiqethi finaan neva ave maisi mae. I will give him the iron chair that his mothers father sat upon.
-Drogo: Anha vazhak maan Rhaeshis Andahli. Anha, zhey Drogo, atak jin. I will give The Lands of the Andals. I, Drogo, will do this.
-Drogo: Anha vidrik khalasares anni jim, finaan nakhoe rhaesheser, majin adothrak hrazef ido yomme Havazzhifi Kazga ven et vo khal avvos.I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt sea as no khal has done before.
-Drogo: Anha vaddrivak mahrazhis fini ondee khogar shiqethi ma vohharak okrenegwin mori. I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses.
-Drogo: Anha aqorisok chiories mori, vazzafrok yal mori, ma afichak vojjor samva Vaesaan Dothrak. I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak.
-Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy, anha, Drogo ki Bharbosi. This i vow Drogo son of Bharbo.
-Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy hatif Maisi Krazaaji kash shieraki vitihiri asavvasoon. Asavvasoon! Asavvasoon! I swear before the mother of mountains as the stars look down in witness. As the stars look down in witness.
Episode 8
Rakharo: Haesh rakhi davrae zafraan. Khal Drogo vazhoe mora azzafrokea, majin azzafroki vazhi kishaan ma hoshor ma tasokh ma tawakof. Lamb men make good salves. Khal Drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give us gold and silk and steel.
Rakharo: Me vafik, zhey khaleesi. Dothraki chomoe mae. Hash athlaqar mae zireyesee khaleesies hash anha afichak shafkea lekh moon.) She's a lamb girl, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. If her wailing offends the Khaleesi, I will bring you her tongue.
Daenerys: Ti mae k'asi, che Khal Drogo anesa valzerikh. Do as I command or Khal Drogo will know the reason why.
Rakharo: Mago! Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. Mago! Only while blood of my blood still lives.
Mago: Me qorasokh anni! Anha afichak mae m'arakhoon! She is my prize. I will take her with an arakh.
We move to the where Drogo is at the Lhazareen village:
Mago: Me Fati! Khaleesi vazha anhaan qorasokh anni, ch'anha afichak mae m'arakhoon anni! It's an insult! Khaleesi will give me my prize or I will take it with my arakh.
Drogo: Me vastoe hatif anni; ahhazaan yer nemo vacchaki. She will speak before me; until then you will keep yourself quite.
Drogo: Zhey jalan atthirari anni, Mago asta meshafka fich qorasokh mae,ohara haeshi rakhi fin qoraso me asaja mae. Asti anhaan hash jini jila. Moon of my life, Mago says you have taken his spoils, a daughter of the lamb man who was his to mount. Tell me the truth of this.
Daenerys: Mago asta k'athjilari, zhey shekh ma shieraki anni. Anha ray qoraso san ohari asshekh majin mori nem vos osaji. Mago speaks the truth, my sun and stars. I have claimed many daughters this day so they cannot be mounted.
Drogo: Jini athvilajerar. Jin chiorisi zafra ajjin, majin kisha ataki morea ven me vallayafa kisha. This is the way of war. These women are slaves now to do with as we please.
Daenerys: Anha nem allayafak vassandik mora. Hash dothraki shafki'th saji mora hash mori jif kemoe ma moroa. It pleases me to keep them safe. If your riders would mount them, let them take them as wives.
Qotho: Hash hrazef gova vaf? Does the horse mate with the lamb?
Daenerys: Zhavvorsa vadakhera ma hrazef ma vaf akkate. The dragon feeds on horse and lamb alike.
Mago: Yer ifak. Yer assoo anna vosecchi. ) You're a foreigner. You do not command me.
Daenerys: Anha Khaleesi. Anha assok yera sekosshi.) I am Khaleesi. I do command you.
Drogo: Tihi kifinosi me ivezhofoe? Hazak rizh anni mra me: Vezh fini Asaja Rhaesheseres, fini nirra mae vorsasoon mae. See how fierce she grows? That's my son inside her, the stallion that will mount the world, filling her with his fire.
Drogo: Anha acharak vos ale. Zhey Mago, anha acharak vos ale. Ezas eshna gech ahilee. I will hear no more. Mago, find somewhere else to stick your cock.
Mago: Khal fines assoe mezhah jahakmeni vos khal. A Khal who takes orders from a foreign whore is no Khal.
Drogo: Ohos! Os! Be Still. Don't move.
Drogo: Anha vazhok khadoes yeroon virsalat. Anha ochomok yeraan kijinosi. I will not have you body burned. I will not give you that honor.
Drogo: Inte vadakhie tihoa ma khewo afilki vi gadimaan. The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worms will crawl through your lungs.
Drogo: Eyel varthasoe she ilekaan rikhoya arrekaan vekha vosi yeroon vosma tolorro! The rain will fall on your rotting skin until nothing is left of you but bones.
Mago: Atte yer eth addrivi anna. First you have to kill me.
Drogo: Jin anha ray et. I already have.
Daenerys: Shekh ma shieraki anni zisa. My sun and stars is hurt.
Drogo: Me zisosh, zhey jalan atthirari anni. A scratch, moon of my life.
Daenerys: Finne koalaki? Where are the healers.
Drogo: Jini osto afisi. This is the bite of a fly.
Mirri Maaz Duur: Anha laz rhelak dothrakes vezhvena ha zisoshaan mae.) I can help the great rider with his cut.
Qotho: Khal zigeree vo rhellay ha zafroon fini govi oqet. The Khal needs no help from slaves who lie with sheep.
Daenerys: Me anni. Me vastoe. She's mine. Let her speak.
Qotho: Maegi. Witch.
Qotho: Ase sekke. Ase maegi izzi char. Too many words. The witch's words poison the ears.
Daenerys: Azhas maan affisat zis yeri, shekh ma shieraki anni. Me azzisa anna jin tihat meyer qiyae. Let her clean your wound my sun and stars. It makes me hurt to see you bleed.
Episode 9
Daenerys: Khal anni...Shekh ma shieraki [anni]...Drogo. My lord...My sun and stars...Drogo.
Drogo: Sajo anni. Sajo...anni. My steed...My...steed.
Haggo: Qoy qoyi. Blood of my blood.
Drogo: Vos, anha'th dothrak. No, I must ride.
Qotho: Me arthas hrazefoon mae. He fell from his horse.
Qotho: Khal fini laz vos dothrao, vos khal. A Khal who cannor ride is no khal.
Daenerys: Me haqa, vos ale. Me zigeree mithrat. He's tired, that's all. He needs to rest.
Daenerys: Kisha ray hezhahish chek asshekh. Kisha avimithreraki jinne. We have ridden far enough. We will camp here.
Qotho: Jinne vos gache vimithrerat. Chiori vos assoo kisha. Vos Khaleesi akka. This is no place to camp. A woman does not give us orders. Not even a Khaleesi.
Daenerys: Kisha avimithreraki jinne. Asti morea me Khal Drogo asso moon. Zhey Qotho...) We will camp here. Tell them Khal Drogo commanded it. Qotho...
Qotho: Shafka vos assoo anna [zhey] Khaleesi. You do not command me.
Daenerys: Ezi Mirri Maaz Duur. Fichi mae anhaan. Find Mirri Maaz Duur. Bring her to me.
Qotho: Maegi? Anha afichak shafkea nharees [zhey] Khaleesi.) The witch? I will bring you her head khaleesi.
Daenerys: (Fichi mae anhaan ozisa che Khal Drogo achara kifindirgi yer ziganeso anhaan. Bring her to me unharmed or Khal Drogo will hear you defied me.
Later in the camp
Drogo: Doth...Dothrae...Ki ha...hammi...Ish nokitta...Qana'th... Rides...By a yak...might trample...the black stork must...
Qotho: Yer et jin zhey maegi. You did this, witch.
Daenerys: Nakhi! Anha vos zalok meme nem azzisa. Stop it. I don't want her hurt.
Qotho: Vos? Vos? Hash shafka vos zali meme nem azzisa? No? No? You don't want her hurt?
Qotho: Zali mekisha vos azzisaki shafka akka. Shafka azh jin maegaan frakhat khales kishi. Pray we don't hurt you too. You let this witch put her hands on out Khal.
Jorah: Javrathi lekh. Me zin Khaleesi shafki.) Rein in your tongue. She is still your Khaleesi.
Qotho: Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. Affin me drivoe, me vosi. Only while blood of my blood lives. When he dies, she is nothing.
Daenerys: Anha vosoon avvos. Anha qoy zhavvorsi. I have never been nothing. I am the blood of the dragon.
Qotho: Ei zhavvorsa drivi, zhey Khaleesi. The dragons are all dead, Khaleesi.
Qotho: Jini'th vos eo. Jini'th vos eo. This must not be. This must not be.
Daenerys:Jini vee This must be.
Qotho: Maegi. Witch.
Rakharo: Mra qothoon vosaan... Nothing good will come of this.
Daenerys: Vos! Yer laz vos. No. You can't.
Jorah: Vos alle, zhey vezhak. No further, horselord.
Episode 10
Daenerys: Shekh ma shieraki anni! My sun and stars.
Daenerys: Hash yer vineseri dothrakh ataki kishi, zhey shekh ma shieraki anni? Do you remember our first ride, my sun and stars?
Daenerys: Hash yer laz chari anna; hash yer ray vos o, attihas anna. If you are still in there, if you haven't gone away, show me.
Daenerys: Yer lajak. Yer ayyeyoon lajakoon. Anha zigerek yeroon lajat ajjin. You're a fighter. You've always been a fighter. I need you to fight now.
Daenerys: Affin shekh yola she jimma ma drivoe she titha...Arrek yer ajadi save, shekh ma shieraki anni. I know you're very far away. but come back to me, my sun and stars.
That's it for this season.
If anyone has a better suggestion for what is being said then feel free to contribute anything you can.
I saw a subtitle online that the saying for the random Dothraki is:
"Kash qoy qoyi thira disse"
Obviously, I can't ensure this.
--- Quote from: KoErin on May 03, 2011, 05:30:28 pm ---I saw a subtitle online that the saying for the random Dothraki is:
"Kash qoy qoyi thira disse"
Obviously, I can't ensure this.
--- End quote ---
Ah, ya that sounds about right. Do you have a link to that?
Edit: I found it myself. There were written examples of all the sentences that didn't have direct translations on screen and they all look legit.
Awesome. Thank you. I'm so glad you're doing this. I was looking about for this just the other day.
Shall we put it on the wiki, too, once things get proofread and pinned down, for a more "permanent" place than a forum with moving/bumped posts?
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