The World of Westeros > HBO: Game of Thrones
First example of spoken dothraki.
There are some new featurette videos released on comcasts VOD site fancast and one of them features Khal Drogo who gives us the first example of spoken dothraki. It appears that the videos are georestricted to the US but they have also appeared on already. Take a look fast because I don't know if they will be allowed to stay up since comcast apparently has a rather long exclusive on them.
Targaryen Portrait Khal Drogo
It's hard to make out what he's saying though. I can't really make out what syllables are part of a longer word or what words are just monosyllabic. If I were to venture a guess then the first word he says could be "ma" and in the middle I think I hear a "fin". The end could be "tih mae" though the "tih" could very easily just be the end of a longer word however. The rest I can't really make out what word he is using or if it even resembles anything we have seen yet.
Sounds to me like [mamaquervefimorietihmai]. No idea how to segment that, though.
So cool! I'm so excited ;D
Another example:
Game Of Thrones: Costumes (HBO)
7:28-7:40 :)
We have a few more clips from the first episode. Especially note the clip where Dany meets Drogo and how Illyrio butchers a few dothraki words.
The first thing he says is clearly athchomar chomakea, Khal vezhven. The second sentence is a little more unclear. I sounds sort of like "ajji allahaan ajjilat" or something like that.
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