Beginners / Re: Why learn Valyrian?
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:07:29 pm »
Are you an old-ish person? Around your middle ages? I ask because that is a very beautiful philosophy that I do not follow often. You take your time with language, and that patients is something I find respectful. For me, however, I have plans with my languages; I am rather young, and I am spending a lot of my time, pushing myself harder and harder, to become bilingual. The biological threshold of fluency is becoming smaller and smaller for me and I need languages that are quick, efficient, and lack in inconsistency. I've given up on natural language for now and I hope that if I gain fluency in either Esperanto or Dothraki before I first have kids of my own, I'll have that foot-in-the-door (so to speak) for learning natlangs. For me, it's all about cranking out fluency, as well as having fun with the language of my choice in the same way you described. I can see why you would want to learn such a language now. 
Fonas chek, okeosi sash anni
I just saw your account about a minute a minute after posting this and saw that you're only a year older than me. Whoops. What I said still holds true, though, only my perspective changes.

Fonas chek, okeosi sash anni
I just saw your account about a minute a minute after posting this and saw that you're only a year older than me. Whoops. What I said still holds true, though, only my perspective changes.