Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Atlas of the Dothraki
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:26:05 pm »
Dothraki Heirarchy:
The dothraki have a vague, but noticable structure of power within the khalasar. Though respecting these roles are a large component of Dothraki culture, titles and positions can easily change based upon the condition of those in charge, and placement is constantly shifting based upon the strength of the individual. The basic structure is as follows:
Khal- the commander of the whole khalasar. Makes decisions for the khalasar and acts as figure head. Position can be inhereted through birth, but if the descendant shows to be weak a stronger dothraki can kill the child and take the khalasar for themselves (often times this is done by a ko of the khal).
Ko- A bloodrider of the khal. Personal friend, adviser and sub commander for the khal, often holding great prestige in the khalasar and in other dothraki hordes. Sometimes shares the wife of the khal, but only at the khal's consent. They act as khas as well, and lead the khalasar into battle with the khal.
Khaleesi- Main wife of the khal. Often married to a khal as a political agreement between two khalasars. No real power within the khalasar, but are still respected as an important figure in the horde; garners the same respect as a ko, but not the influence. A khal can give a khaleesi power to act as an intimate advisor, but this is a very rare occurence and has only been once formally documented with the marriage of Danaerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo. When the khal dies, the khaleesi retires to Vaes Dothrak, where she becomes a khaleen and governs the city and religion of the Dothraki alongside other khaleen.
Kha- a general in the khalasar. They command subdivisions of the khalasar, but only by proxy. They do not give advise or input to the khal, but only carry actions on his behalf.
Khalakka/khalakki- Son or daughter of the khal. Respected in the same way as their mother, and given about as much power. Khalakka, if proven to not be a chiftik, will take their father's throne. Daughters will either be married to a Ko or a khal from another khalasar.
Akkelenak- A well respected commander within the khalasar. Does not attend Dosh khasi, but just relays information to the khalasar second hand from the khas.
Lajak- An informal leader among men in the khalasar; a ring leader of sorts. They usually gain notoriety through fame in battle. Lajak Can overthrow an akkelenak and take their title if they prove themselves to be stronger than them.
Awazak- Brutal warriors in the horde. Similar to the "beserker" stereotype on viking ships. No real power or authority, but still respected.
Dothrak- The basic warrior. Trained in all types of warfare and brutality.
Women and children- there to either give birth or train for adulthood.
Koalak/koalakhtihan/koalakeesi- Healers for the khalasar. Almost often a slave taken from some city.
Movek- craftsman for the dothraki. Slaves given to the khalasar that are seen as "valuable" due to a trade that they specialize in. Often times the slave is a weapon maker, animal caretaker or entertainer
Zafra- Slaves. They are taken by the dothraki in raids to serve them, either by doing lowly jobs, perform sexual acts for warriors, or just to be given to the free cities by the dothraki. Lowest position in the khalasar
Khalasar unit sizes
Khalasar "a king's collection"- 25,000-50,000 dothraki. Commanded by the Khal.
Zirisisir "a collection of segments"- 5,000-15,000 dothraki. Commanded by a Ko.
Lajasar "a collection of fighters"- 2,000-4,000 dothraki. Commanded by a Kha.
Asar "a collection of commands"- 100-500 dothraki. Commanded by an Akkelenak.
Kemasar "a collection of connections"- 25-50 dothraki. informally lead by a Lajak
Dothraki pantheon
Vezhven- the all powerful and all present god of the Dothraki. Creator of the world and ruler of the universe. He leads his great khalasar through the nightlands as he governs the events, omens and fate of the day and night. Greatest and most powerful god of all the world.
Shekh- the ko of Vezhven and a major deity of the Dothraki. Sees over the events of the day and represents the spirit of men. Is responsible for fire, war and exhilliration. Husband of the moon.
Jalan- the kha of Vezhven and a major deity of the Dothraki. Sees over the events of the day and represents the spirit of women. Is responsible for water, healing and companionship. Wife of the sun.
Vezh fini asaja rhaesheseres- the warrior that will unit all the dothraki and conquer the world. Will become a major deity when they succeed in world domination.
Chinshi- the eldest child of Shekh and Jalan. She is a minor deity and is the spirit of sex, love and physical pleasure. Often appears as female, but in some stories (often told to a group of girls) Chinshi is male. Defining characteristics include lusty, vengeful, beautiful, and emotional.
Rhakko- the second child of Shekh and Jalan. He is a minor deity and is the spirit of hunting, war and victory. Always appears as a male lion, with a great, white mane. Defining characteristics include respected, wrathful, hubris and elegant.
Jiwa- the youngest child of Shekh and Jalan. Jiwa is a minor deity and is the spirit of trickery and joy. Never specified as male or female, but just described as a fox that stands upright and has human hands. Defining characteristics include sneaky, jovial, malicious and clever.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.
The dothraki have a vague, but noticable structure of power within the khalasar. Though respecting these roles are a large component of Dothraki culture, titles and positions can easily change based upon the condition of those in charge, and placement is constantly shifting based upon the strength of the individual. The basic structure is as follows:
Khal- the commander of the whole khalasar. Makes decisions for the khalasar and acts as figure head. Position can be inhereted through birth, but if the descendant shows to be weak a stronger dothraki can kill the child and take the khalasar for themselves (often times this is done by a ko of the khal).
Ko- A bloodrider of the khal. Personal friend, adviser and sub commander for the khal, often holding great prestige in the khalasar and in other dothraki hordes. Sometimes shares the wife of the khal, but only at the khal's consent. They act as khas as well, and lead the khalasar into battle with the khal.
Khaleesi- Main wife of the khal. Often married to a khal as a political agreement between two khalasars. No real power within the khalasar, but are still respected as an important figure in the horde; garners the same respect as a ko, but not the influence. A khal can give a khaleesi power to act as an intimate advisor, but this is a very rare occurence and has only been once formally documented with the marriage of Danaerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo. When the khal dies, the khaleesi retires to Vaes Dothrak, where she becomes a khaleen and governs the city and religion of the Dothraki alongside other khaleen.
Kha- a general in the khalasar. They command subdivisions of the khalasar, but only by proxy. They do not give advise or input to the khal, but only carry actions on his behalf.
Khalakka/khalakki- Son or daughter of the khal. Respected in the same way as their mother, and given about as much power. Khalakka, if proven to not be a chiftik, will take their father's throne. Daughters will either be married to a Ko or a khal from another khalasar.
Akkelenak- A well respected commander within the khalasar. Does not attend Dosh khasi, but just relays information to the khalasar second hand from the khas.
Lajak- An informal leader among men in the khalasar; a ring leader of sorts. They usually gain notoriety through fame in battle. Lajak Can overthrow an akkelenak and take their title if they prove themselves to be stronger than them.
Awazak- Brutal warriors in the horde. Similar to the "beserker" stereotype on viking ships. No real power or authority, but still respected.
Dothrak- The basic warrior. Trained in all types of warfare and brutality.
Women and children- there to either give birth or train for adulthood.
Koalak/koalakhtihan/koalakeesi- Healers for the khalasar. Almost often a slave taken from some city.
Movek- craftsman for the dothraki. Slaves given to the khalasar that are seen as "valuable" due to a trade that they specialize in. Often times the slave is a weapon maker, animal caretaker or entertainer
Zafra- Slaves. They are taken by the dothraki in raids to serve them, either by doing lowly jobs, perform sexual acts for warriors, or just to be given to the free cities by the dothraki. Lowest position in the khalasar
Khalasar unit sizes
Khalasar "a king's collection"- 25,000-50,000 dothraki. Commanded by the Khal.
Zirisisir "a collection of segments"- 5,000-15,000 dothraki. Commanded by a Ko.
Lajasar "a collection of fighters"- 2,000-4,000 dothraki. Commanded by a Kha.
Asar "a collection of commands"- 100-500 dothraki. Commanded by an Akkelenak.
Kemasar "a collection of connections"- 25-50 dothraki. informally lead by a Lajak
Dothraki pantheon
Vezhven- the all powerful and all present god of the Dothraki. Creator of the world and ruler of the universe. He leads his great khalasar through the nightlands as he governs the events, omens and fate of the day and night. Greatest and most powerful god of all the world.
Shekh- the ko of Vezhven and a major deity of the Dothraki. Sees over the events of the day and represents the spirit of men. Is responsible for fire, war and exhilliration. Husband of the moon.
Jalan- the kha of Vezhven and a major deity of the Dothraki. Sees over the events of the day and represents the spirit of women. Is responsible for water, healing and companionship. Wife of the sun.
Vezh fini asaja rhaesheseres- the warrior that will unit all the dothraki and conquer the world. Will become a major deity when they succeed in world domination.
Chinshi- the eldest child of Shekh and Jalan. She is a minor deity and is the spirit of sex, love and physical pleasure. Often appears as female, but in some stories (often told to a group of girls) Chinshi is male. Defining characteristics include lusty, vengeful, beautiful, and emotional.
Rhakko- the second child of Shekh and Jalan. He is a minor deity and is the spirit of hunting, war and victory. Always appears as a male lion, with a great, white mane. Defining characteristics include respected, wrathful, hubris and elegant.
Jiwa- the youngest child of Shekh and Jalan. Jiwa is a minor deity and is the spirit of trickery and joy. Never specified as male or female, but just described as a fox that stands upright and has human hands. Defining characteristics include sneaky, jovial, malicious and clever.
Disclaimer: All of this content is fan made material and does not claim to be apart of the canon universe established in the Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. The work here will not be published or sold for monetary gain, and thus does not violate any of the copyright claims and trademarks that HBO, Bantam Books, or any other company have in the franchise.