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Messages - Havazhyol

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Beginners / Re: "Today is a good day to die."
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:23:24 pm »
I think I'll paint a sign with Vos Ifo She Hranna for my garden.  ::)

Incidentally, I'm surprised that there's not a word for "around" yet... "oleth" seemed like the most closest option in this case.

I would have worked with fir adj. round or fire ni. ring, circle. I don't know if I get it right but oleth concerns what's above, what is higher than the subjet, it does not affect the right "axis".

The translation of the introduction of the french dictionnary is now complete. Now the fight with the titles begins.  ^^

I thought of a sentence to end the introduction, might someone give a hand with it?

Now enjoy this dictionnary (I thought to use book of words as dictionnary), I hope you will have as much fun using it as I had translating it.

San atchomari yeri

I made some corrections, some improvement on the presentation, and worked through the LaTeX issues slowly.

I made some changes, compared to the english dictionnary, mostly concerning the grammatical categorization.

It rise slowly to a complete french dictionnary. ^^

Announcements / Re: Dothraki-Greek, Greek-Dothraki dictionary
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:54:18 am »
You can find the link to the french one on this tread :

Don't focus on the titles and the introduction which still are in english, they will soon be translated.

The lexical part is translated and complete.

It can't be done easily. However, I intend to do a few words per day and eventually it will be done.

As I said, it took me 4 month to end the translation process, working from 5 to 20-30 words at a time.

It needs to be updated as the english one if possible, which require a less worthy effort (3-5 words at a time, not to mention that David has to focus on High Valyrian, so it's one every weeks or so).

Announcements / Re: Dothraki-Greek, Greek-Dothraki dictionary
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:50:10 am »
M'athchomaroon, zhey StannisBaratheon_ark.

I made the french translation of the dictionnary, so I know what adventure you are diving into.

It took me 3-4 month to do it totally, so good luck to you.


Announcements / Re: Website title
« on: June 16, 2013, 11:00:45 pm »
Same as Jenny, zhey Hrakkar.

General Discussion / Re: Dothraki Dictionary for Android
« on: June 10, 2013, 01:21:53 am »
Downloaded ! Works perfectly on Galaxy Note.

San atchomari yeraan, zhey ERM.

Introductions / Re: Greetings
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:02:48 am »
rhelat (past SG : rhel) : to help, futur tense.

Apparently, it went wrong.  :(

Beginners / Re: Jasi's Journal [The Riddle Game]
« on: June 04, 2013, 11:31:52 pm »
Ah, a riddler.

I wonder if the word qafak would be a good translation?

Here is mine, it's an easy one for those who are used to riddle, I hope declinasions are correct.

Azhas hadaen anhaan, ma anha athirak.
Azhas eveth anhann, ma anha adivrok.

Fini anha?

I totally heard the sound from Legend of Zelda when you open a chest in my head.
You, young lady, made my day. May the Triforce be with you.

Beginners / Re: Sentences
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:23:36 pm »
You've been qvaaked. ^^

Your implication on grammar keeps impressing me (and helps a lot, btw).

Introductions / Re: Greetings
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:22:40 pm »
M'athchomaroon, ERM.

Davrakh yeri arhela kisha. (I hope i'm good on this one)

Good luck on your app, I 'm really interested with the idea.
If you ever go for a multilingual, I'd be enjoyed to help for the french part.

Shieraki gori ha yeraan.

Announcements / Re: BayCon 2013 MiniMeet!
« on: May 28, 2013, 04:13:51 am »
Wow! Looks like you had a great time!
If I only did not live on the other side of the globe  ;)

You stole my words, and certainly those from a lot of people living on the old continent.

I hope someday I'll be able to have an IRL meeting with some of you guys.

General Discussion / Re: Some poetry made of Dothraki
« on: April 28, 2013, 11:31:07 pm »
San athchomari yeraan ^^

Voici les liens vers les dictionnaires. J'ai toujours un problème pour les titres et le texte de début qui sont ceux du dictionnaire anglais, cela devrait être réglé rapidement.

Faites vous plaisir !


Here are the links to the dictionnaries. I still have an issu with some of the titles and the speech of the first page that still appear in english, it should be fixed  soon.

Enjoy !

Dictionnaire Dothraki - Français

Dictionnaire Français - Dothraki


Voici le fil de discussion du dictionnaire Dothraki - Français (et inversement).

Puisque que la majorité des utilisateurs/visiteurs de ce forum ne sont pas francophones, je demande et remercie par avance mes compatriotes, les cousins québécois, et les francophones en tout genre de traduire en anglais, par civisme, chaque post français qu'ils écrivent sur ce fil.

Maintenant les news importantes : je vous fournis les liens vers le dictionnaire a plus vite.


Here is the thread for the dothraki-french dictionnary (and the reverse one).

Since most of the users/visitors  of this forum do not speak/understand french, I ask and thank in advance my fellows, the Quebec cousins, and all the french speakers to translate in english, for the public spirit, every french post they write on this thread.

Now for the important news : I provide the links to the dictionnary as soon as possible.

Fonas chek !

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