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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2014, 11:07:29 am »
Yeah. Sorry this took a moment. Sometimes it takes much longer than this, though, especially if a response can't be thrown in a short passing notion.

Also, I've been giving the good vs well a thought and I figured, what if chek, even if it means well or "nicely" as you said, could also be used as a response to "I made some pancakes". The question is, what does the English "good" mean when we reply with it? And more importantly, what could a Dothraki chek mean? What if instead of "I made some pancakes" - "That is a good thing", we are actually saying "things are well" / "all is good", as in stating your current change in overall satisfaction. I think a word that means "well" could be used for that.
Yeah. That's pretty much what I was trying to say. In English That is good. is IMO the dominating interpretation, but that does not need to mean Dothraki would work in the same way. Chek might garner widened use just because it seems adjective/noun based alternatives seem to turn heavier.

So what if I moved it to the phrases level and kept the exclamation mark? Let me know what you think.
Either way sounds good to me. Drop the exclamation mark and keep on the Everyday Words or add a capital letter start and move to Phrases.

Adjectival verbs:
In Dothraki some verbs work as adjectives. In the following levels you will learn some words that are nothing more than verb forms of the adjectives that you have learned in the previous level.
I think the first sentence isn't right, and isn't needed either. Just start with "In the following [...]" and IMO you'll do good.

Now if you've been learning any grammar yet you might have already learned that adjectives come after the words that they describe. Let's put our two words together and from a sentence. There are two ways we can do this:

Qevir zhokwa - Big forest.
Qevir zhokwae - The forest is big.

In the first sentence we used the adjective zhokwa to describe the forest.
In the second sentence we used the word zhokwae which is a conjugated form of the verb zhokwalat - to be big.
"Big forest" isn't a complete sentence - and qevir zhokwa is neither as far as this discussion goes. That's a major wrinkle in this explanation, but how to tackle it? My brain hurts. Maybe just vaguefy:
Let's put our two words together. There are two ways we can do this:

Qevir zhokwa - Big forest.
Qevir zhokwae - The forest is big.

In the first sentence we used the adjective zhokwa to describe the forest.
In the second sentence we used the word zhokwae which is a conjugated form of the verb zhokwalat - to be big.

Noun animacy:
Because Dothraki is not a finished language, animacy has not yet been determined for every noun. In this case the noun will have (/) next to it.
This isn't exactly right. I'm pretty sure mr. Peterson knows the animacy of every noun he has created. He just haven't told *us* animacy of every noun we have found.

There are roughly five kinds of words in Dothraki
1) Words we know fairly well, words that we have discussed with David at least in passing or that David has otherwise introduced to us properly. We know what ever crucial "meta data" is needed: animacy, stem, epenthesis etc. And we also know enough about the meaning to be confident at least about some core use of the word.
2) Words that we haven't met, really, but which can be derived through so stable productive pattern that they can be considered known, with only a small reservation.
3) Words that have cropped up in some text David has made, be it dialogue from the show or some external source like conlang relay. These words are often very narrowly understood. Sometimes some information like animacy can be inferred (eg. because of the case in which we met the word), but often not.
4) Words that David has created, but haven't intoruced to us at all and haven't used in any publicly available text (probably in no text at all).
5) Words that are in-world supposed to exist, but which David has not yet created.

Maybe you could say "Because Dothraki is not publicly available in it's entirety [...]"
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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2014, 02:46:28 am »
Okay. I fixed all of the above. The course is ready to be made public. I used a popular screenshot from the show as the course image. I hope that's not a problem. Mr. Peterson said that I should contact him so he can twitter about it when it's ready, and I will do that now.

Will you put a link to it on the wiki? I noticed that there are already three links to memrise courses on there, but neither of them exist anymore.
Thanks again for all the help.


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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2014, 07:36:41 pm »
Ma Ifak, I stickied this thread for you. Could you edit your first post to have a link to your Memrise lessons?
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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2014, 12:36:18 am »
Wow. Thanks :D


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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2015, 07:20:52 am »
Hi. I have no idea if you're still active on here, but I want to thank you for creating the course. It's been really helpful for me in my quest to learn Dothraki. One small quirk, I noticed, is in some of the multiple choice questions, some possible answers are 'test' or 'test2'. It's not a big deal, and should be an easy fix.


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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2015, 01:19:30 pm »
    Thanks for the good words, and I am glad the Memrise course still works. I've played with it a little myself, but unfortunately do not have as much time these days for language learning as I would like. You may wish to try sending a PM to user Ifak and see if he/she responds.

The dictionary and wiki are also up to date, save 2 words. This is true, even though the dictionary is currently in 'Test mode'. I've had to turn my attention to urgent legislative matters, and digging an 80 foot long ditch on my property. By mid-June, I should be able to do some more work on these items.

You might also take a look at David Peterson's book on learning Dothraki. It is widely available. Use it with the online course for best results. Its a little different approach than Memrise, and I think, less confusing.
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Re: Dothraki memrise courses
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2015, 07:00:56 pm »
Hey Hrakkar, thanks for the reply. It looks like Ifak hasn't been on since last year, so I doubt they're visiting this forum anymore. The main gripe I have with Memrise is you have to use something else to learn things like grammar and pronunciation. However, for learning words, it's great. Thanks for the book on Dothraki; I think I'll order it soon.