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Messages - KingAlanI

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Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Dictionary Thread
« on: January 12, 2014, 10:30:13 pm »
The wiki says that a ko commands a khas (part of a khalasar). While kos are often bloodriders and vice versa, this is different from the ko and khas definitions in the dictionary.

Beginners / Re: Some substitutes for words not in Dothraki
« on: January 12, 2014, 09:12:51 pm »
assolak okrenegwin - castellan

assolat (to command) --> assolak (commander)

I understand Dothraki already uses that other word, stone tent/house, to mean castle.

commander of castle would call for accusative case of castle, but inanimate nouns ending in a consonant aren't changed for accusative case anyway.

I would decline 'assolak' as an animate noun, right?

Also, okre (tent) as a metaphor for camp. vimitherrat (to camp) and derivatives don't seem appropriate for describing the physical camp itself. okre's noun type isn't given, so I don't know how to decline it.

Dothraki Language Updates / Re: The Dictionary Thread
« on: January 12, 2014, 08:58:58 am »
In v3.083 (2013.12.11), the definition/translation of qoralat includes 'sieze', a simply typo for 'seize'.

Beginners / Re: Some phrases I've made
« on: January 12, 2014, 08:42:53 am »
I admit I made a mistake with the zero-copula thing. Since Dothraki didn't have connecting words in that situation, I didn't think about them in other situations either.

Okay, I got the alienable/inalienable distinction right (I find it easier to think of that as non-inherent/inherent), even though I should have declined a pronoun instead of the noun.

The chom thing was just a typo.

I wanted to use lajakeesi, but I wasn't sure if I could actually make extended use of the -eesi ending. Yeah, may as well. I think I get what you did with the rest of the sentence.

Beginners / Re: Some phrases I've made
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:40:34 pm »
I didn't want to edit the wiki because apparently I don't know what I'm talking about half the time. I think I might be explaining it better and end up explaining it wrong. I did register for the wiki in case I do see something.

I've often gone right to the Verb Conjugations, Noun Cases, et cetera pages.

Mayhaps I took the concept of zero-copula sentences to dropping connecting words in general.

Okay, so use ablative instead of genitive for possession of inherent characteristics. The debate is about whether 'king' is an inherent characteristic of 'land of Andals', right?

For example: qesosi (my basket) versus rhaesoon (my foot/leg)

Beginners / Re: Some phrases I've made
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:06:27 pm »
Some more I've come up with since I started this thread:

Yer chomae mae - You honor her
seems like a straightforward conversion of Yer chomae anha (you honor me) as a substitute for 'thank you', better than 'allayafa' (she is pleased)

(in context, it's a translated reply to the also-translated 'The mother of the Westerosi King must be very proud of her son'.)

Chiori lajak ondee esina shor tawakof – The woman warrior wears a different steel dress
(Interesting pun. I’d like to add a word for kind/sort/type though.)

Beginners / Re: Some phrases I've made
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:06:03 pm »
wow, Qvaak for the win again.

I seem to be too tied to English word order, it seems on a lot of these.

I understand zhey, vocative participle, indicates that the speaker is talking to someone and the sentence isn't about that person, but this sentence is about the people named.

I thought that since Andal already has a genitive ending, I didn't need to give a genitive ending to the other nouns in the phrase. You seem to like ablative case. Yeah, chomat (to respect/honor) does have a different meaning. It seems that while you like 'pride', I shouldn't conjugate/decline it and I should put it at the beginning of the sentence. I think that sentence could work without 'such'. sekke (very) seems to work well instead.

Yeah, I figured there had to be a word for 'Great Stallion' that I was missing. Vezhof it is. I don't mean "The Great Stallion wants" as in a religious commandment, I mean it as in "God willing", but thanks for the distinction.

Yeah, since I started this thread, I added 'vojjori' after Fekh, as well as using the better words for Smith and Crone discussed in the other thread. ma, contracted to m’, before every item in a comma-separated list?

I agree trying to pluralize 'arrow' is unnecessary.
I've since come up with ovvethak (bow-shooter) as a derivative of ovvethat (to shoot with a bow) instead of ma kohol ma loqam (with bow and arrow)

I thought part of verb conjugation in general was including the meaning of a pronoun.

Beginners / Re: Some substitutes for words not in Dothraki
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:05:24 pm »
I noticed Dothraki had the same basic subject-verb-object word order as English so I thought the word order was similar in general. Apparently compound nouns are the opposite of the English order.

Beginners / Re: Halah (flower) vs halahi (tree that can blossom)
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:50:00 am »
Yes, you just covered it under 'Knight Of Flowers' in my phrase thread.
ah, so this is an admitted confusion in the language, it's not just me.
flower(s) as animate and tree(s) as inanimate does clear it up a bit, I didn't notice or realize the impact of that part of the dictionary entry.

Introductions / Re: Fanfic writer wants his Dothraki quotes accurate
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:42:29 am »
Sounds like an interesting premise. I am looking forward to reading it!

Athdavrazar! Yer chomoe anna. :)

Beginners / Halah (flower) vs halahi (tree that can blossom)
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:38:31 pm »
Halahi seems to be the correct plural form of halah (flower) but halahi is given a separate definition, and I don't see any irregular plurals listed for flower

Beginners / Re: Some substitutes for words not in Dothraki
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:34:34 pm »
I thought ablative was mainly for past tense (and allative for future tense)

as for idak/ildak, I was just following what is apparently a typo by Hrakkar.

Ah, so the word order is reversed there?

Beginners / Female forms and the -eesi ending
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:24:10 pm »
koalakeesi (female healer) and vikeesi (slang for an annoying woman that seems based on vik, chin) seem to show that -eesi is an ending for the female form of words besides khal. Could it be used to create a female form of a word that doesn't already have one?

one could use a female word like chiori (woman) with the other word, but it seems awkward to say it with two words. Also, I understand you'd leave them as separate words, but would you modify either? [That's a general question about identifying something/someone with multiple nouns] Also, would you place the female word or other word first, or is that a matter of emphasis?

For example, I'm considering lajakeesi, chiori lajak, and lajak chiori for woman warrior.

General Discussion / Re: Questionnaire for Dothraki learners
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:29:14 pm »
Filled it out, glad to help. :)

Beginners / Re: Some substitutes for words not in Dothraki
« on: January 09, 2014, 03:29:34 pm »
I just saw Qvaak's edit this afternoon.

I get the 'god of', but what's with the ablative case?

Kristasof, grandmother, for Crone seems like a good way to get around issues with Khaleen.

Koalakeesi, female healer, proves that -eesi is an ending for the female form of words besides khal

I like marik, constructor, as catchier than madaktawaki or something-idak

Speaking of idak: I like Vaes Vizhadi Idaki, City Of Silversmiths, for White Harbor, as a way around Dothraki's lack of nautical words like Harbor.

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